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Coffee last won the day on September 8

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  1. Accepted. This should be fixed soon if it has not been fixed already.
  2. Denied. Firstly this is not necessary and secondly It would make sense for the officers to have the more different outstanding uniform compared to enlisted men and NCOs that's just how it works. I don't see how this would better RP on various levels too It just seems like you want officer uniforms as an NCO.
  3. Denied. This would be absolute chaos and the map and sky box is not big enough to even have the space to fly around.
  4. This has been added a while ago. And for business owners who don't have opening perms on the main discord dm me so I can get opening perms sorted for you.
  5. Denied. I don't think Police speed radars were around in 1940 and I don't think this is necessary anyway.
  6. Coffee

    Baton Update

    Denied. The batons we have already are fine.
  7. Denied. We don't use sandbags anymore and since we stopped using them confilitcs have been a lot more balanced and better overall.
  8. You can purchase attachements from the Ministry of procurement. If you want attachements find members of the Ministry of procurement and ask to buy an attachement.
  9. Coffee


    From checking the logs It seems like your character was not PK'd but the character you are talking was about 7 months old and we had a server reset about 5 to 6 months ago were everyone lost their characters and had to get them back again from members of staff. I believe this explains your charcter being missing. In regards to medals and money everyone had their money and medals wiped so you would not get your medals or money back. Since we were giving characters back about 6 months ago we have stopped doing that now for a while because of how long ago server reset was. Your character was only an Oberfeldwebel equivalent so I'd recommend just starting over again it will not take that long to get back to that rank.
  10. Accepted. In the future simply just communicate In character to avoid situations like this.
  11. Please follow the PK appeal template or this will be denied.
  12. Denied. You were surrounded by three members of the NSB and they had guns pointed at your head and you decided to radio that you were being arrested therefore you broke fear rp and then you were shot.
  13. Denied. You were surrounded by four members of the Military and they had their guns pointed at you and you decided to pull out your gun and start shooting and then you died. You fell under the PK guideline "Being killed while not abiding by Fear-RP".
  14. Could you provide more context to this situation?

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