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Coffee last won the day on September 8 2024

Coffee had the most liked content!


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Community Regular

Community Regular (8/14)

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  1. Coffee

    Unfair PK

    Follow the PK appeal template or this will be denied.
  2. Follow the PK appeal template or this will be denied.
  3. Coffee

    Ban appeal.

    Accepted. The punishment for this situation will be that the character you used in this clip will be PK'd. This ban will also be removed from your record.
  4. Coffee

    Lost 5 flags

    Denied. You can make a new appeal in two weeks and be honest about what actually happened.
  5. Accepted. Any further infractions within the next month will result in this permanent ban being reinstated.
  6. Denied. If you're going to use AI to write your ban appeal don't bother making one in the first place.
  7. Denied. You blatantly left the server to avoid being arrested.
  8. Denied. While I completely understand that it is frustrating that these players were breaking the rules to steal your items that does not just give you the right to just leave the server in the middle of the situation. You don't just get to determine that "there was no RP situation to begin with, it was just minge." What you do for this situation is let a staff member verify that these players were breaking the rules when you make a ticket about the situation. What you should have done was clip the situation then made a ticket and let the staff member deal with the situation. You don't just take the situation into your own hands and leave. If you had made the ticket the players who broke the rules would have been punished and your items would have been returned to you and this entire situation would have been avoided. Now it was stated in your last permanent ban appeal which was accepted on Wednesday... that "due to your long list of past offenses any further serious infractions will result into the reinstatement of this permanent ban". Now I won't reinstate the permanent ban and I will give you one last chance here but now instead of "serious infractions" leading to your permanent ban to be reinstated all it will take is any infraction at all for your permanent ban to be reinstated.
  9. Follow the ban appeal template or this will be denied.
  10. Accepted Welcome to the Staff Team!
  11. Accepted Welcome to the Staff Team!

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