Hello, you were brought up in a sit after a NSB made a PK ticket on you because you did in fact started a gunfight and died, the other KG who started to shoot was pulled up in a sit for RDM, and was dealt with, you were not involved in the first gunfight but you did start another one which you ended up dead and if you really was involved in the first one then they would have started to shoot at you but didn't, you knew you were surrounded by multiple people with guns and you were outnumbered and you decide to start another gunfire which is pretty much suicidal to me you did that to yourself, thinking you can just respawn and go about your day you didn't fear for your character's life when you were surrounded and thought you could just take the easy way out, In the sit you claimed you only shot because they gunned down that other KG, but you know if you are outnumbered and if you tried to do anything you would just end up dead, which is okay if you want to but it ended up costing your character's life. Now for you saying I'm the leading commander of the VSK... I'm not and what does this have to do with anything above, are you trying to claim I was involved in that situation on my VSK character? Cause you are wrong I was not! I was on my OOC staff character taking tickets while this went down. I don't know where you are getting this "Conflict of interest" shit. You also claim that when the NSB were trying to arrest you that they were minging? They were not... it's you who tried to get out of the RP situation by starting that gunfight while you were surrounded, all you really had to do was just put your gun away and things would have ended good for you and your character might still be alive. As always UA has the final word, and they will decide if you get unpked or not. Have a good one Aiden.