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  1. Description of the idea: Well, it would just a small UI that would only display when you was in the car that would read out how fast you are going in your car ONLY from the front. Something like this. Why should this be added?: Well, I think this would add some interesting roleplay scenarios for the Landespolizei and other policing forces. This would be useful to actually calculate speed since on the German Penal Code, there is a section that has speeding infractions but however there is no way to determine how fast that vehicle is going in court since there is no radars which defeats the whole purpose of the speeding crimes. What negatives could this have?: People more than likely will get mad at actually having their speed calculated when being followed by LAPO Additional information: If this suggestion is to be approved, I would like this to able to be used ICly in court as evidence. And only from the frontside would it be calculated.
  2. Vincix

    Baton Update

    Which is why we won't be recruiting minges anymore if this gets added since we now can make arrests easy and don't need 4 people to arrest someone
  3. Vincix

    Baton Update

    However, in order for the person in question to be frozen you must be directly infront or behind the individual and then left click (hit) and the baton will hit them freezing them for 5-10 seconds
  4. Vincix

    Baton Update

    Description of the idea: Add a stun option with the batons, like for example: If someone uses left click on someone and they are running it would slow them down or freeze them for 5-10 seconds. Why should this be added?: Well, this would be a very functional system for all the policing agencies within the game. For example, this will increase the popularity for Landespolizei and makes arrests easier for everyone. This will be useful since minges randomly punch people in Berlin and Landespolizei or any other person needs 3-4 people to surround them and detain them which is a hassle since if their faction isn't as popular as the others then you can understand the mass of conflicts this will cause, especially if it is their primary duties to enforce the German Penal Code. What negatives could this have?: Minges will dislike this and probably every single person that gets arrested. Additional information: Whoreson has a nice haircut.

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