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Everything posted by Rob

  1. +1 Would be good for RP. Characters who have been wounded in combat (or are crippled for whatever other reason) could use it.
  2. Neutral This would make sense from an RP perspective but as R4ged stated above, LaPo fucks around way too much to have easy access to something that has as much potential to be abused as lockpicks. Might lean +1 if they could get their shit together.
  3. +1 It was nice to get out of the city and hang in the woods. Could be fun to use for skirmishes between rival factions.
  4. +1 Very consistent on the server, takes his roles seriously, seems like he genuinely wants everyone on the server to have a good time. Glad you made it back from the Eastern front in one piece, Radec. Blessings from the Machine God
  5. Classic Feld. Clearly this ludicrously high pay has gone to their heads and they've become drunk with power. +1 again.
  6. +1 Reallocate that money to better aid the war effort.
  7. +1 Great application, super active on the server, I've interacted with him several times and he seems like a good guy who takes his IC roles very seriously and cares about maintaining Prom's standards.
  8. Edit your steam ID to STEAM_0:0:455921652 (it's supposed to list your ID number, not link your profile). I checked the ban list. That's yours.
  9. Exactly what I was looking for, thank you!
  10. Is there somewhere we can view all of the Google Docs that are sent to the Telegram by CO's, the State and other higher-ups? Mandates, announcements, etc. I know we're able to view some of the important long-standing documents on the PN Wiki. I'm wondering if there's a link to a folder containing the new documents being uploaded on a regular basis so I can keep up with current IC codes of conduct, new laws, and stuff like that in case I miss a post in the Telegram.
  11. Not familiar with that specific server but my guess: Probably not. Seems like most/all other WWII RP servers are mainly populated by people who have been banned from PN, and those servers are a lot less coordinated and populated than PN as a result. Will probably average 10-15 players (generous estimate), mostly minges, for a little while and then fizzle out.
  12. Bug Number One: One of my characters' attributes have all been reduced to 0.0/30.0. Additional Info: Stats were originally set to 0/30 for endurance, 20/30 for stamina, and 10/30 for strength. Never seen attributes move up or down before.
  13. +1 More immersion with in-game documents would be cool.

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