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Everything posted by Saito

  1. Saito

    PK - FWS

    Hi! To clarify. We had evidence of you deserting and during the interrogation, you confessed to "resigning" from the Kaisergarde and later made it clear that you deserted through the way you spoke about how you found your way to the Armed forces. Usually when there is UA approval, there is a certain Contextual understanding to why it is approved. As the UA deemed it fitting, you were PK'd for your actions & the one's you may have attributed to. Nonetheless, good luck on your appeal!
  2. ... (don't turn around. don't face me) can be heard in the medal clip. You could've just stopped moving, making it MY responsibility in what happens next. Yet you didn't.
  3. Hi! You were PK'd under the Guideline (Being killed while not abiding by Fear-RP). As shown in the Clip, I came up to you with the intent of detaining you. I pulled out my Gun and ordered you not to move nor turn around to try to get you detained. You continuously broke that said commandment. I gave you ample time to not move. From my perspective of myself in this situation, you need to keep in mind that the idea of the said order is to make sure YOU don't pull out and revolver me in the face in retaliation while I make my arrest. However ,you continuously ignored it, risking your life in the process by disobeying my orders for a prolonged time. In the aftermath of the situation, I made a ticket but noticed that there was barely any staff on. Due to that, I reached out to a staff member on Discord who was a Member of UA (Prime) and asked him if he could check if that would be a PK. I wish you good luck on your appeal! EDIT: (Just noticed. You added the wrong type of SteamID. The SteamID that is required for the Appeal is: STEAM_0:0:576903609)
  4. Saito

    Ban appeal

    Hi! I was the Staff Member who banned you! First off, please reformat your SteamID32 as this is the wrong format. Going on about the Appeal: Generally, in the Pantheon Button room, there is a very BIG WALL OF TEXT (https://gyazo.com/5ffdc6a8a32fafeb9744ea49fe6506fb) that states that you will be punished severely if you were to use them without authorization, so the "there was no warning or anything about the buttons" is a lie. The sounds can be heard across the entire Map and, as such, are punished accordingly. In terms of the "accomplice", I tried to find the second guy, but I couldn't triangulate it in the Logs properly. It is always recommended to see and look at the surrounding if there are any warnings e.t.c plastered near a Area. This signifies if a area or "button" is something that staff usually flock to like hounds and immediately act upon. I checked and you are indeed a new player so i'd agree to at least lower it down to a day. P.S, if you COULD remember who was the second person, i'd be massively thankful if you find out and provide the name to me or another member of staff! Thanks and good luck on the Appeal!
  5. After Careful Consideration and deliberation with fellow members of the Community, you are compelled to "bake a Cake". Until then, I shall stay at a -1
  6. Hi! I was the person who authorized the PK! I spoke with the Person requesting the PK, and he explained to me why he used the word "stink." His explanation was the following: I've conferred with a member of Upper Administration @Gary as I also had my doubts; however, after having a conversation, the fact still is that you decided to disregard your life and die. You were PK'd under the Guidelines of a FearRP PK. Good luck on the appeal!
  7. 1. It's not out of context. You said what you said. You made it clear that you wanted to resign anyways and it was brought up while concealing the personal part as I didn't wish to reveal parts of your personal life. That's your prerogative to provide more context to it if you are fine in revealing it. It isn't that deep. Precedence already exists of a single gunman killing a Person with more people around them. I am honestly not sure what you are trying to say here. You are also painting it as in me wanting to coup you simply because I don't like you for some reason which I didn't state. Coup's exist on UA approval with a reasoning provided to them specifically and it is to their discretion to decide if the justification is just. 2. ...What? Again, Jurgen Schmidt? Who is that? Gauleiter? What are you talking about... I don't even know what you are trying to say here since I always say that Gauleiter is a Useless Job. It's quite convenient how you forgot a deleted discord you took part in specifically for your own "protection" during your current term as MoW, but it seems you are just forgetful. And the last part I will just ignore since, again, you are regurgitating the same stuff over and over again. 3. People don't know about the extent of the PK, what was working in the background, what planning went into it, etc. You have your friend group, which is generally fine, and if they agree with you, that's amazing! However, in terms of a PK, it isn't "cleared" in your favor. I understand the frustration, as said multiple times, but sadly you are wrong. Feel free to check the edit I made to your quote above regarding said rules you brought up. Since you haven't provided any new relevant points, I will leave it as is. Hope for speedy final verdict from UA/GA
  8. 1. That's you simply being frustrated. That's fine. Nonetheless, if you are told that the information is still in active RP, and you don't understand it, that's fine. 2. You didn't read my reply so I am going to ignore the majority of it except your comment about the "resignation" part. I did not provide the background to it for exactly that reason as to keep your personal life not involved. Threatening to "start slagging" mine around and becoming as hostile as you did is beyond me and should be punished IMHO. 3. What...? Just as earlier, refer to point 1. Also, you were not PK'd for the Civil war, nor were you purposefully subjected into it. At this point you are just looking for straws. 4. do you understand that your absence is still noted? That is not relevant in the first place. I brought up that point to make it clear to you that you were absent. There was a running gag that I was the "acting field marshall" due to your lack of control and absence. Again, you are simply looking for straws to grab on, as there is no argument here. And lastly, once again, refrain from actively insulting in an appeal. That certainly doesn't bring a good light to you. 5. If you are telling GA didn't pay attention, didn't see the leg-work for the PK, and your PK being "rotten," forcing now a couple of days worth of RP being reverted, then I'm sorry, but you aren't thinking straight. Approvals against NHC aren't simply approved Willy Nilly. The Guideline was upkept, the rules weren't broken "unlike in your track record which UA know about...", and most of the points you made in your second paragraph here is just regurgitating the same points over and over again. With all necessities being fulfilled and provided, your PK is solid. Just because you don't know the work put into the PK, doesn't make it less valid. And obvious to last, it slowly gets on my nerves that you are actively insulting me for an In-Game Interaction on a Forum due to you being "pissed off" or "mad," etc. I don't intend on playing the "I don't know what to say, so let's just insult him and hope for the best" game. Either stay professional or just stop replying since it clearly seems that your way of replying to me in a Public Forum isn't appropriate. I understand being pissed off, which, quite honestly, I was too when I was PK'd as Tillmann, "which also got Reagan PK'd. " But this still doesn't give you the right to insult me just because I am the Opposition.
  9. Hi! Lets tackle the points you brought up. 1. Sadly due to Active RP, this section cannot be answered publically and has been provided to Higher Staff for review. 2. While I can assure you that the PK wasn't based solely on the reason on attempting to take your Position for myself, the PK execution was proper as per already standing precedence. This execution of PK falls within the Guidelines as Reagan PK. In addition, the statement that I wrote to you was as the following: "https://gyazo.com/1f037fec86df51157a377dba4665ab26" in our Discord conversation. This was in response to you calling me dirty e.t.c, to make it clear to you that I've not seen you as a good leader in the first place. This is not me telling you that I wished for your position which universally was known that I do not wish to be that position due to my bad experience with a prior situation. 2.1 Addendum: You also stated, "Well, unironically, I was probably going to be forced to resign anyways" speaking about the PK on basis of a personal reason hence why i am confused why you'd appeal in the first place. 3. A Whole RP situation occurred during the Civil War, which cumulated with the PK within your Office. During it, the Civil War was currently ending, and the opportunity was found at the proper time to execute it. You were not PK'd on the basis of you starting a Civil War, but on the basis of a "Coup," whose reasoning is currently still active in RP, to which staff handling this PK will be informed when requested. In regards of you stating once again that the sole purpose of me going after your job/title, i already answered earlier and see this point as Moot. 4. You are my Boss. You control everything above and below me. Your lack of presence and constant fear of a PK within Discord Conversations make it clear you will be absent for days on end with no proper ability to work on said issues. You also need to understand that as a subordinate, there is very little you can do in terms of alternative routes to get rid of your boss. With the nature of your Position, Last resort was reached and the staff handling the PK authorized it accordingly. 5. From my understanding, you weren't provided information due to active RP surrounding your PK, and our private discussion does not reflect the PK's actual substance. Furthermore, from an RP standpoint, it would not make sense for your Character to be UnPK'd after being an NHC "RPI" on active RP. The PK was done within the guidelines and with authorization of the right Staff. All in all, I understand your issues and concerns regarding the PK. I myself had a similar experience in the past regarding how such a PK is executed, and as such, I can understand the frustration.
  10. Hi! My name is Saito! I issued your ban! During this Altercation, you've decided to open premeditated fire from a distance with a pistol at the car. After questioning you, you stated that you got robbed earlier. This does not excuse you for shooting at someone from a distance since RP-Wise. I spoke to you about it to clarify, and from my perspective, you should've known better, especially after being noted and banned so many times. I double checked and your PO's were as recent as the day of your ban. Your last RDM note was 3 Days ago. You have 11 PO's in total, of which all within a time span of 1 1/2 month. If it were a one-off situation, I'd just ignore it and tell you off for it, but it is RDM, nonetheless. Seeing that you've decided to simply shoot randomly, I see it as pertinent to punish such behavior.
  11. -1 Too much effort for a feature that barely influences anything. I am a fan of small changes that give some flavour, yet the amount of development necessary for such a small feature outweighs it's necessity.
  12. Sandbags make sense. +1
  13. https://gyazo.com/3af0cc162d67d446392f80579dca9b83 I don't think i have to say much more than that.
  14. +1 Ex Staff, old member, i see value.
  15. Saito

    Easy Mode

    -1 Not possible to replicate with the current System.
  16. Statement retracted after a conversation with Coffee.
  17. +1 After Confirming with Coffee, previous statement is retracted and I change my opinion to +1
  18. Didn't meet word requirement. -1
  19. Hi, I was the Admin who banned you. I had a lengthy discussion with you about RDM and gave multiple examples. You are a well-known member of the Community and have already been warned for RDM within your POs. After at least 10 Minutes of trying to explain it to you and giving you examples of what constitutes RDM, you continued to make it clear you don't understand. You were bringing up RL examples, to which I tried to make it clear to you that this is a GMod Server. To the Original offense, you admitted to RDM against people for pre-emptively shooting them as you "thought" you would have no chance of killing them. Good luck with the Appeal!
  20. -1 You gotta show the Community that you've improved. It's too soon for you to join the Staff Team.
  21. Saito

    Ban appeal

    Hi! I am the Staff Member who issued the Ban! I've been already tipped off about you guys as a group going around and detaining people and leaving them tied and blindfolded at other areas. I've observed it and deemed that you guys were doing it maliciously. After checking your PO's, I've seen you have a extensive Ban-Record and decided to give you a 2 day Ban. The other people did not have a large PO list which is why they were given a Note instead. You are long enough on the server to understand how the Rules work and in what kind of capacity you are allowed to rob. I do have to admit that I did not hear you say it when in the room with the other people, so I'd agree that you'd tried to convince the others. However, you could've simply untied them yourself. After reviewing the Clip provided, I believe you didn't do it out of malicious intent but rather were trying to be part of the Clique. Good luck with your Ban Appeal!

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