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Brownpug last won the day on February 11

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  1. +1 Active individual, seen him around plenty.
  2. Brownpug

    A Week?

    Please follow the correct template or this appeal will be denied.
  3. Please follow the correct template, or this appeal will be denied.
  4. Brownpug

    Rayan Staff app.

    -1 From my experiences with this guy in game, he does not seem fit for staff.
  5. +1 Decent guy, active almost every day. Would be a great fit for staff.
  6. +1 Great guy, RP with him almost every day and he is willing to learn, very active and would be a perfect fit for staff.
  7. Hello, While I understand that you feel you’re missing out on things within the server, you should not have said what you did. This is not the first time I’ve seen this behavior from you. The first time, I was kind enough to issue a note and a verbal warning, but once again, you have violated Global Rule 1. I will leave it up to the Upper Administration to decide whether you will be unbanned or not. However, I strongly urge you to avoid making such comments in the future, even when you are just with a few friends. Clip from first incident: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jy9hkxgvWhsJRh3AR?invite=cr-MSxsVFAsMTk5MjU2NTc0LA Screenshot from recent incident: https://ibb.co/HfpY7Vn3
  8. Your Discord username: freebrownpug Your Steam ID (STEAM_X:X:XXX): STEAM_0:0:156900696 Your current server rank: (User/Donator/Staff) Staff / Administrator Your character's full name (include RP rank): Assitent Fredrich Feller What is the name of your business?: Odd Fellers Bar and Grill Do you have the necessary roleplay documentation for your business?: (Y/N) Yes Why do you need a vendor?: I just need the vendor to have state access, there is already one in the building. What do you want your vendor to sell?: Black Velvet, Block of Cheese, Bloody Mary, Brandy, Brandy Fizz, Loaf of Bread, A bunch of Bananas, Slice of Cake, Cheeseburger, Chicago Fizz, Daiquiri, Dead Man's Hand, Bunch of Red Grapes, Hot Toddy, Irish Coffee, Cooked Lobster, Cooked Steak. (all of these are already in the vendor) What building are you using?: The Berlin Cafe, 99 Baumer Strabe
  9. +1 Honestly miss when we had the forest.
  10. +1 Great guy, RP with this guy on the regular, would be a good member of the staff team.
  11. Neutral - Leaning towards +1 Haven't really seen you, but I think this is a solid application.
  12. Brownpug

    Rayan Staff app.

    -1 Over 90% of this application is written by AI.
  13. When the individuals attempted to detain you with drawn firearms, you responded by attempting to enter your vehicle and flee. This action constitutes a violation of FearRP, as it disregards the realistic fear one should exhibit when faced with such a threat.
  14. Hello, I was the staff member who PKed you. A ticket was made against you for breaking FearRP. You died in this situation after attempting to get into a car and flee. You were not brought into a sit because, by the time I got to the ticket, you had already left the city. In the clip, you clearly showed no concern about having guns pointed at you, saying, “Those are airsoft guns, bro. I can tell.” clip: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jivnJzKBeS2taQ960/VPHBXvLn8pgt?invite=cr-MSxIaXEsMjI0MzY3MzQ0LA

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