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Pennywise last won the day on November 14 2024

Pennywise had the most liked content!

About Pennywise

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  1. +1 I feel he will be a good member of staff ill even mentor him if he gets approved is always active and good rp person i have ever encountered
  2. +1 Good Staff application will be a good fit for staff
  3. +1 Good staff application and good playtime i think they will be a good fit for staff
  4. +1 great guy knows how to roleplay I think he will be a good fit for staff
  5. +1 Great man seen him around alot hes always active even when no ones else is on i think he will be a good addition to the staff team
  6. +1 great guy always active I feel like he would be a good fit for staff I say we give this man a chance
  7. But yes the reason I banned you was because you left during a role play situation and didn't say anything to anyone so I banned u for 7 days due to it since u have a note about the same thing
  8. Well next time talk to someone and it could be fixed and maybe continued the next day I'll see what I can do to get this ban either lowered or removed
  9. In this case It was rdm and u could of have given him orders to leave instead of shooting him or you could have detained him instead of shooting him
  10. Well he was aiming the gun but you also don't know if there was a rp situation you still had no right just to shoot him but If I can unbann you I will
  11. +1 yes bring back the forest
  12. +1 i feel like this guy will be a good fit for staff see him alot and hes always giving orders to his men
  13. +1 I feel they will be a great fit for staff ive seen them around and interacted with them before they seem chill and do there job and they take there role serious
  14. You had your gun aimed at him and it was making clicking noise like u were shooting him without bullets so that's ARDM

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