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  1. I dont know what you mean, my time on Rev was very brief. I also barely spoke in the discords. In refence to a ban from a RP discord for a minor offense, I feel that is should be lifted as to continue RP. It restricts my ability to stay up to date on current information in regard to my current regiment. I am only banned from one discord and thats the Interior ministry discord. (To which I recall, I was banned permanently for that specific comment.) I am unsure if you may be confusing me with someone else, but I really do not recall ever being a huge participant in the discord side of Prometheus as I was with the in-game side of things. One of the only appeals ive crafted for this server was a PK appeal. In all honesty, I am sorry for whatever I may have done. I just want to ensure that my RP experience continues unhindered by a simple discord ban. (Can I also get a list of what rules were broken, or if I was just banned because you presumed, I was just annoying?)
  2. Your Name: TheAdmiralty SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): 76561198055927014 Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology Which staff member banned you?: Whoreson How long is your ban for?: Perma Why were you banned?: I made a joke in relation to the Omni/ Whoreson stating along the lines that "He should have just paid him." Never once was it meant as something serious. Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I was never once serious in regard to my comments, the server was in a roar at the time, and I seemingly only played a harmless part in all of that chaos. I do not understand why such a small comment would warrant a permaban. But regardless, I feel that I have spent sufficient time away from the Main Prom discord. Additional Information: I do apologize for the comment made; I was unaware that it would gage such a reaction. (I want to mention that this is a first offense, both in game and any of the Prom discords.)

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