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About Haisunn

  • Birthday 05/09/2008

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  1. I think Lure Arnold is more annoying when he tries to larp then when he doesn’t
  2. +1 A very active member of the community, I can also see that he’s very friendly as we have 57 mutual friends on discord Genuinely nothing bad to say, only had good experiences :]
  3. +100038483733873937484 no fucking duh, Best choice, Diversity quota , was staff before one of my fav larpers
  4. +1 One of the coolest people I know from Prometheus, won’t take bullshit from people and would absolutely rule in handling sits Absolutely a perfect choice for staff
  5. Haisunn

    Staff app

    Hi! From a completely unbiased perspective I just want to say that this isn’t a terrible application, community presence is something really easy to build up and I believe that you could definitely benefit from becoming more familiar with the community you’ve been in for so long. About the whole furry thing uhhh! People will not like you cause of that always but there’s always a couple of you guys sprinkled about communities eermmmss…. just be chill
  6. +1 Very good at what he does and would be a pretty unbiased staff member based off my prior interaction with him in game.
  7. Introduction Information Section Steam Name: Haisunnnnnnn SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:704801846 Discord Username/ID: Haisunn Timezone: EST Age: 16 Time Played (check with !time): Before the soft reset roughly 2 and a half weeks! But after the reset 4 days Your current rank(User/Donator/Trusted): Donator Do you have a mic & will you use it?: Yes absolutely! Are you consistently active on the forums and server?: Extremely active on both Did anyone from the Recruitment Team assist you in making your application?: Aris Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify):Perchance, Helsing, Bowlpack, Aris, Mewing Basic Information Section IC Character names, ranks, and brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format: Alfonso Zimmerman: As a Oberst in the Heer his duties mostly consist of managing issues within the military, guiding the enlisted on what to do whenever we are either defending the ICC or when theres nothing of notability happening in Berlin. Yorkie Konig: A NSB-Polizianoberdiener I haven’t played on him a ton however he is usually assigned to interrogate individuals, and do dossier work. He tends to take alternative approaches to everything being done, often leading 1-2 people with me. How long have you been roleplaying?:On Gmod since Jan 22nd of this year;if we count different games then around 4 years Have you received any infractions i.e Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time?:I have not received any infractions so far! Staff Knowledge Section What previous experience so you have as a staff member either within Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode?I do not have any experience with being a staff member within the Nutscript gamemode. However, I am a very fast learner and tend to be good with memorizing commands! Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team?[300 words or more]:I believe I would be a great choice for the Prometheus staff team! My reasons for this begin with the fact I simply enjoy helping people and users in this community; this was actually my original reason for my application as many users recommended I should apply. I sincerely just want to help out members of the community so they can go back to their silly German larp, I’ll take tickets whenever I possibly can as I know the all too well the struggle of waiting with a new recruit for twenty minutes just to get someone to take my ticket. I will be especially helpful since I'm often on for almost the entire day with occasional breaks here and there from being burnt out. I am an extremely quick learner who has the confidence to do new things, I am a strong believer in learning from my mistakes and I handle criticism fairly well. I have a good ability to resolve conflicts; I also make sure I am unbiased with how I approach problems and I will never treat someone as if they were stupid for being upset about something.even if they were being a little dumb. I can confidently say that I’ve been active enough in this community that people will feel they can rely on me and trust me. Always trying my best not to make anyone feel unwelcome in my presence and resolving any conflicts I am involved in to the best of my abilities. Speaking of conflict! I will touch upon the fact that I do deal with sexism, distasteful jokes and etc often in this community. However, I know the difference between a bad joke and someone seriously being a freak, I will make sure to not let any biases I have towards negative minded individuals affect my choices and decisions as moderator and If I feel like I am unfit to handle a situation that involve such topics I will get someone else to assist me. What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words? [150 Words or more]:The duties and responsibilities of a staff member is mostly keeping the server clean via Muting people who mic spam, say bad things, share OOC information, Metagame, etc. Also doing basic duties such as; Making sure people have appropriate character names, setting up recruits, promoting people, etc. Basically just taking tickets! Staff members should definitely be as unbiased as possible, if staff were being corrupt this community wouldn’t be very fun. Everyone wants and should be treated fairly whenever they enter a SIT. Staff are the backbone of the server. If there were no staff the community would absolutely crash and burn , Staff members keep things going and assure the community isn’t overrun with “minges”, Etc. it’s a team effort; I’ve been in many leadership or helper positions in the past and I know how important communication between a staff team is, group decisions are key to a strong healthy community, hence why I will always make sure to get a second opinion whenever I need to.
  8. I like the Greenland shark cause they’re some of the oldest creatures on earth, they’re so cool
  9. I made this a long while ago, thought Id share ^_^ (I felt bad everyone was being mean so might as well share the cringe)
  10. +1 I’ve known him for a short period of time but he definitely has what it takes to be a strong leader and he would make a wonderful moderator!

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