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  1. when did I say or imply to spy on a faction to bait out a pk or what pk? I feel you guys just taking examples and making them look extreme just because your friend got pk for breaking nlr and not mentioning when has a mug need a whole fucking backstory just to rob a guy that makes no fucking sense I don't see an rp reason why the ksd and kg shouldn't mug each other and either Angel is lying or you guys lying but I was told to be put in reserve I even have a document saying I was honorably discharged so I don't where the fuck you guys are coming up with this and to kaiser why would it be a serious rp situation if the guy in question broke nlr three times i guess i shouldn't enforce the rules of the server?? not to mention getting arrested and even if you guys say I went to staff I was going bring to him a sit and ask why is coming back to break nlr????? and the one more thing tell me when in the mugging rules (since you guys want to act like this) i need to have a rp reason to mug someone at this point that wouldn't make sense at all no it's doesn't whether or not i was a member of ksd and the kg have good relationships doesn't stop me from mugging said people you're not giving immunity from said party and if you want to point out these said people who scream for help or said they are getting kidnap thought the radio they all get pk i don't get where you saying just cause sometimes people shoot them and it being the end of it doesn't mean i have to this say this is the end of because from where i see they all get pk and one last thing i never ever mug people i just wanting to do something new and god forbid i want to something different that day PS Alex i don't get why you have insinuated that i can't spell seems like you are a bit immature for leaving such a snarky response
  2. one this wasn't a raid just cause i mug one guy doesn't make a raid two that place was secluded and nobody was near or could see into said place@ three no everyone who saw it died it would be nlr four what do you mean I didn't kill them all there was three in the second clip???? and yes i followed on a admin after they broke NLR the second time which i was more in my right to do so as i was going take them to a sit till I saw what he was doing five no you don't have any ic proof to talk to them cause everyone who was involved in the situation died and how would you know about it if everyone died and since you did it anyway this also means you pretty much meta game it and six your whole point is that i "raiding" a place to mug a guy still doesn't excuse what he did he didn't fear for his life he then proceed to nlr and try punch me after he died and the nlr AGAIN to tie me up with people and again try's to hunt me with the entire of kg of that day just to tied me
  3. Hello, I was KSD who was arrested/kidnapping your guy I just want to clarify one thing in the rules there’s no such thing as I need to have a proper RP reason to mug a person that doesn’t make any sense or wouldn’t make any sense to begin with because like in real life I don’t need to have a reason to rob a gas station people can do it because they can and again I want to clarify just because it was a compound doesn’t mean it’s immune to have secluded places like those offices not to mention just because him “was in his own mind” mean, he can just go back and nlr as it seem like you should just break a rule if someone else breaks a rule and again I don’t need to have a proper reason to mug it doesn’t matter if a Kg and KSD are perfectly fine with each other and I will say just because he didn’t know the rules doesn’t mean he should be exempt from them and no, it’s not a natural response to call your life if the guy himself is pointed the gun at you because you should understand that the last thing you wanna do is give him a reason to shoot and you screaming for help is that reason even though I did die at the end of the clip, the person who killed me was the said person I passed in the hallway, which would mean he also nlr also, you both failed to mention how in the second clip he not only broke nlr again. He then proceeded to try to hunt me for something that he shouldn’t remember. That’s to mention I didn’t clip this or tell us to coffee but after a while, I switched to my staff to see himself leading the entire of the KG on that day to capture me again even though he pretty much died all three times and to Kaiser and what did how did I power game when there was nothing I did and here to take advantage of I just told him a lie that I wanted to transfer he believed it, and I told him get against the wall he did and then scream for his life. There was nothing power game about that and I wanna ask an interesting question to Tank what do you mean before the incident I was going rogue according to Sharp an angel did you talk to them and view this clip and talk to them about the situation that in reality you should have or they should have no knowledge of ever happening because everyone evolves around the situation died I have no hard feelings towards this guy and again, I don’t want us to come off as hostile I just simply wanted to do something risky that day on my character who has medals and has grinded the ranks to get to KSD I have no bad intention for a guy and I’m sorry they had to come down to this, but he made the choice. I just simply took the action.
  4. +1 i remember GoRiLlA was a very competent staff member back on icefuse and would be a great fit for the staff team
  5. Nasty

    Ban Appeal

    Hello, I am the mod who banned you. I understand you that you were frustrated for the reason why you were stuck in the cells in the first place but that still isn’t an excuse to leave the server come back. Try to kill the guy who tied you up maybe five days was a bit harsh, but I still believe you should’ve been banned for this maybe for 2-3 days if it gets reduced.
  6. Hello i'm the staff member who pk your char i waiting around 30mins-45mins waiting for you to come back and explain why you were being pk but you never came so i just decided to pk your char but the reason you were pk was that you radio in for help under gunpoint which is considering breaking fear rp i hope this clarify why you were pk and for notice arrow approve of this pk
  7. +1 i've seen this guy around great guy and would be a good addition to the staff team
  8. +1 staff app looks great and you seem to be a very competent member of this community and also a great rper
  9. Hello i'm the mod who ban you Even though I wasn’t the original Mod, who banned you because I was trying to help him fix the reason why he banned you for the reason why you were banned it was because the logs said that you disconnected by yourself instead of crashing however I will mention that I rechecked the logs and I realize that you were trying to reconnect. I wouldn’t mind if you get on unban however I would suggest be more careful because due to what you were saying on the main discord you still did technically LTAP even though it was an accident not to mention have to check your notes to my knowledge I haven’t seen any previous warning for Ltap and again I don’t mind seeing you get unbanned, however, I’ll wait for the other higher admin to make that call
  10. Introduction Information Section Steam Name: God of the nasty SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_1:0:631845094 Discord Username/ID: crackofthe9 Timezone: CST Age: 21 Time Played (check with !time): 1w 3h 50m Your current rank(User/Donator/Trusted): user Do you have a mic & will you use it?: yes and yes Are you consistently active on the forums and server?: forums a bit server yes Did anyone from the Recruitment Team assist you in making your application?: yes lentz Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify): Lentz Basic Information Section IC Character names, ranks, and brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format: Stabsfeldwebel Cracko Gibbs - Helps protect the feldmarschall, also helping out with recruitment, has been selected to be a part of special forces program and being a one to lead it was giving it by Hugo Othamann NSB-Polizeiinspektor- Helps overview section a of nsb wing helps out with any pcos and statements How long have you been roleplaying?: 3 years Have you received any infractions i.e. Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time?: only 1 but it was on ay 25th and it was just a simple rdm and i haven't received any notes since then and i learned not to be careful about who to shoot at Staff Knowledge Section What previous experience so you have as a staff member either within Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode? trial mod for Blood & soil great war rp. Admin for civil network mafia rp, Admin for Imperium gaming (was going be senior admin but was canceled due to the server shutting down) ACN gear of war rp trial mod Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team?[300 words or more]: Due to my previous experience on the staff team of multiple other servers, I’ll be more than familiar enough to understand, the servers rules to simple commands, two more things like helping out with events and to help promote positivity throughout the community well also being a very active staff member as I can be active for throughout a week or keeping up activity and being able to keep up with quota as well as having a on a hands-on experience, as well as understanding seeing that, sometimes some staff can be quite stubborn or unwilling to listen to both parties which causes a negative experience which leads people to not trust the staff team or in worst case hate them and seeing that most of the time seeing how some staff members abused their powers, I want to be there to help the server grow and flourish and for the server for the betterment of it by offering my unbiased opinion And fairness to both parties more during sit i’m also a very passionate understanding person who can understand both sides and tries to have both sides be happy with each other and then come to a very good conclusion. It may not happen all the time, but I will damn well try to succeed in it, and it doesn’t bother me helping out with the most mundane task as well as helping out would possibly events that I don’t see as a chore to take tickets. I also don’t mind taking a break from RP to help out with staff as it’s the most important thing to help the server grow while RP may help me grow within the community I want to help the community grow a lot more while also having them to have fun and enjoyable experience and Prometheus, that we all know that it’s capable of providing I see it as a way to better the server to help the server progress into a far better era then it once was before. What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words? [150 Words or more] :My duties are to maintain the fairness and unbiased of the staff team for the server and the community always uphold the rules and help punish the people who break them. I will keep the fun of the server and RP at peak levels and be there to help the server progress smoothly while helping out with promotions demotions, and faction whitelist. Hence, the server is more of an enjoyable experience for most of the players here. The people of staff look up to us people who care the most about the community and to purge the community from minges,rdmers and vdmers will also maintain a very respectable relationship when most of the other members, the community to ensure both sides will always be We have a fair and then buy opinion and to uphold the rules of the opinion. They could also be the major reason why the server will succeed or fail, and I want to help the server succeed. Notes:

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