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Prime last won the day on July 2 2024

Prime had the most liked content!

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Enthusiast (6/14)

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  1. Prime

    Fix Key System

    This is already on the server and working
  2. This is a bug report and has been documented
  3. Make a ticket in discord with a picture of your attributes and a UA member will help you solve this
  4. Already Documented. Thank you for the report.
  5. Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do about this report. Invalid.
  6. This has been documented. Thank you for the report.
  7. The faction is in the server. Message me directly on discord if you have any issues
  8. It gets fixed after you die from leaving staff. Make a ticket ingame if you have that issue
  9. Already Documented. Thank you for the report
  10. Prime

    Bug Report - Salary

    Already been documented. Thank you for the report
  11. Fixed. Thank you for the report
  12. Thank you, it has been documented down and will be fixed soon.
  13. Prime

    Vehicle exit bug

    Tested and working fine

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