Character's name & rank: Hansel Puedershmidt - Unterfeldwebel
SteamID32: 241974248 | SteamID64: 76561198202239976
Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Spooks
Explain why you were PK'd: I believe the reason would be breaking of FearRP, as I was slowly walking backwards when people were pointing weapons in my face telling me to stop moving. I was very confused as to why Luftwaffle, shouting Military Intelligence, breached the LF and didnt think about the orders given very clearly.
Why should you be un-PK'd?: MGD had the manpower ,and competence, to successfully surround and detain me which would have prevented the PK. From previous experienced with Staff, the rules are that a PK should be issued as a last resort and when the, in this case, arresting units have attempted all possible, within reason, actions to avoid a shooting. This was not done to me as the MGD simply gave me a few orders, didnt try and block me, and simply opened fire.
Additional Information: This appeal was written by The_noobyBG (@the_noobybg) per request of the appealing individual (@kornythedragon) in hopes for a better written appeal. Both questions were answered in the point of view of the appealing individual.