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Everything posted by forzen

  1. forzen

    Unfair PK

    "You were PK'd for the same reason as your friend. You guys were acting like complete and total morons. Not fit to be one of the highest ranking officers. Restart as an enlisted. " - Whoreson Summary: "Your Dumb, I'm taking your rank away start over." (Not a valid reason for a Major, Oberluetnant and a Lieutenant to all be PK'd with a anti-tank rifle you pulled from your ass) ^Literally that is the definition of: PKing someone for the sole purpose of taking their job/title. Follow the PK rules or atleast RP out the event in character next time, As I should of been the only one in trouble not the other two since I was the guy who shot the civie.
  2. forzen

    Unfair PK

    Character's name & rank: Oberluetnant Ernst G. Welig SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:645939357 Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Dont Know Explain why you were PK'd: Khris Kristy shot me and 2 other people with a AT rifle and we all got PK'd Why should you be un-PK'd?: PK Guideline rule Break: PKing someone for the sole purpose of taking their job/title. Additional Information: Clip of the event that happened: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jDauQgzMRCzlDs48G?invite=cr-MSx3b0osMjM3Mzk5ODI3LA I'm the officer in the grey and the clip cuts right before I'm shot but trust me he fucking shot me and I am currently PK'd
  3. 3 things (also thought I was getting pk'd over something else cause once again I had no clip to base what they were pking me over but I digress) 1. Is this the clip provided by brownie the clip that resulted in my pk if so why was it not given to me when i asked for it? and why was the man in the water not dealt with who actually started it? 2. In the clip under this appeal I didn't shoot anyone I smacked a guy for trying to tie me after I provided warning to them they needed to back up and you can even see my hand signaling for them to back up even with the clip provided being out of the nearby talking range of my voice. 3. Lastly,Dark-hussar can you provide a clip of how you went about with my pk or not? also In the clip provided I didn't even kill that member of the VSK who I was hitting and in fact he is seen alive and shooting during the gunfight that started due to the man in the water fountain. I hope for a quick response back and I'm glad to see someone could finally provide a clip but I am sad to see that this is deemed PK worthy when I didn't even kill anyone in the clip and you can hear/see them trying tie/surround me along with a clearly shown SHOOTER that STARTED THE GUNFIGHT from the nearby fountain starting the massive shoot out. Anyways have a nice day and Hope you had a nice Christmas : )
  4. Character's name & rank: Hauptmann Kroenen Kenev SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:645939357 Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): No clue he didn't even bother to get on his staff character to pk me. Explain why you were PK'd: I have no clue. Nor was I shown why? Why should you be un-PK'd?: 1. I never shot nor was I even the first person to start pistol whipping a member of the VSK furthermore I am not the one who started any gunfight to begin with anyways. After said VSK member was trying to make off with a kreigsministers guard and the Kreigsminister himself said "GO GET BACK MY GUARD!" to which a large group of military members including me dog piled the lone VSK member and soon the VSK member got pistol whipped by officers of the feldjagers including me I was apparently the one to score the final hit on the VSK member and killed him soon me and alot of other military officers got shot by a member of the VSK roughly 30 seconds after the VSK member had been killed after re-spawning a short time later I was tp'd to the rooftop of the bank (yes the bank rooftop not a staff sit room) I asked the staff member who was Pking me for a clip he said "No." either he had one and didn't want to show it or had none (most likely the latter and you'll see soon why). I was then pk'd , summary: I was tp'd to the bank rooftop got to ask 1 question had no clip shown to me and got PK"d in less then 4 minutes. Why am I appealing this matter? I have reason to believe this incident was out of malice instead of duty to enforce rules. Malice in the PK guidelines says that removing someone for purpose of purely taking there position or title is against the rules of PKing. Exhibit A. The VSK member that was killed by ME and his testimony: He was pulled into a separate ticket where he could answer a few of my questions for this appeal this said ticket happened yesterday. "Did you make a ticket about the incident that happened outside the bank with the kreigsguard?" his response "No,why would I?" I then asked "Do you have a clip of the events that happened?" once again he answered "No" and finally I asked him "was you getting killed via pistol whipping any concern of yours after the fact?" and he answered "No, I don't really care." The very person affected by MY actions believed there was no reason for me to be in trouble nor that I should be PK'd. Exhibit B. Me? Me! Why me? I am a hauptmann in the feldjagers currently that is the second highest rank in the feldjager department right behind the major of the department at the time along with being a company head of the 33rd MP, I was THE highest ranking on the server in both the army and feldjagers. Also I had been arguing with VSK over there BS orders to check military ID's at the bank. Which lead to many things happening but basically a small fight between a checkpoint at the bank and the ICC. Regardless VSK had a pretty nice stake in knowing who I am and what I was doing as I was the high officer they had talked to for a couple hours and even had a court summons sent to me that very day to get me in trouble and to take my job from me in a military court. But That never happened because of 1 member of the VSK taking it into his own hands. Exhibit C. The admin who pk'd me (high member of the VSK): I am going to say this and this is all going to be statements that I have been told by members of staff and that are from my own side of events. 1. a member of VSK was killed by me and decided to take no action nor wanted to and simply went on with his day and instead of it being left there a staff member of who himself is a member of VSK PK'd me. 2. Said VSK member ram-shackled pking me without any proved evidence that they could use nor that I could use to defend myself with for this very appeal. 3. Said staff member failed to even ID himself via getting on his staff character along with concealing his staff name and any evidence that may back up his claim of my wrongdoing. 4. With these very factors you can't merely chalk them up to chance or coincidence this is all deliberate and purposeful and there are staff who are reading this very appeal right now who know more then what they are willing to admit but that will come in do time. Anyways that's all I have to say. Additional Information: Merry Christmas! : ) PK Guidelines broken during this incident: 3. Not using PKs as a LAST resort. 5. PKing someone for the sole purpose of taking their job/title. 6. PKing for solely doing work legally within one's job.
  5. Introduction Information Section Steam Name: 4_zen SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:0:645939357 Discord Username/ID: f0r_zen Timezone:EST Age: 18 Time Played (check with !time): 3w 3d 4h 57m Your current rank(User/Donator/Trusted): USER Do you have a mic & will you use it?: Yes Are you consistently active on the forums and server?: Yes Did anyone from the Recruitment Team assist you in making your application?: Spooks Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify): Spook, Pennywise Basic Information Section IC Character names, ranks, and brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format: Hauptmann Kroenen Kenev: Commandant of the 33rd Feldjager company, In charge of law enforcement and arresting services in the military. Ernst G. Welig: He is a Civie and makes alot of fucking drugs. How long have you been roleplaying?: More than 3 weeks on the server and around 4+ years in the 1942rp servers Have you received any infractions i.e Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time?: 2024-08-04 - 7 days - RDM | FAILRP - Jack (Can't remember) 2024-06-14 - 30 days 10 hours - NITRP | Metagaming | POs - Coffee (Was a natural RP instance) 2024-06-08 - 2 days - VDM | Minge | POs - Seiker (Can't Remember) 2024-05-30 - 2 days - RDM - ThirdEyeSchizo (Can't Remember) 2024-05-15 - 3 days - LTAP - Saito (Was off the server and apparently a guy made a ticket on me idk I was asleep) 2024-04-05 - 14 days - RDM | Notes - valyy (Can't Remember) 2024-03-25 - 1 day - RDM x1 | NITRP - Winchester (Can't Remember) 2023-10-01 - 4 days - VDM - Prime (Can't Remember) 2023-09-24 - 3 days - LTAP - MomsMom (Can't Remember probably someone made a ticket after I was already going to bed) Notes: RDM - Dec 1, 2024 - Brownpug (Can't remember) Attempting to by-pass character promotion rules - Nov 28, 2024 - elc.r (goober) I am using my past mistakes as valuable lessons to grow and improve, focusing on making thoughtful decisions and being more mindful of my actions. By reflecting on my previous bans, I've developed stronger self-discipline and a deeper understanding of how to engage in a positive and respectful manner. I'm sorry for MY mistakes that I have made and I hope you can forgive me. Staff Knowledge Section What previous experience do you have as a staff member either within Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode? Werewolf 1942RP, White October Civil War RP, 2 Darkrp Servers Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team?[300 words or less]: I have been playing on the server for a while now, and during this time, I have thoroughly familiarized myself with the rules and learned a great deal about the community. I’ve always wanted to become more involved and experience more server aspects. Over time, I’ve realized that the best way to do so is by helping and joining the staff team. Many staff members already know or recognize me in-game, and I’m starting to feel the frustration of waiting for others to handle issues like minges in the military. I want to be the one stepping in to make sure things are handled promptly and fairly. At this point, I can’t see myself continuing to play the server without taking this next step and becoming part of the staff for the future. I’ve observed the server dynamics and interactions and am ready to commit. I still want to do so much on the server, and joining the staff team will allow me to contribute meaningfully. I want to be a helper and someone others can rely on for support. Whether dealing with in-game issues, assisting new players, or ensuring everyone is treated fairly, I want to make the server a better place. I am driven to help others, and my coachability, maturity, and, most importantly, my friendliness are all factors about me. I am dedicated to listening to the community, hearing both sides of every story, and helping resolve conflicts to benefit everyone involved. This is an important role that should be taken seriously. With this role, I will help to make the server a fair and safe place for all players that want to play. I want to be a trusted member of the staff team who can make a difference and help improve the server experience for everyone involved. What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words? [150 Words or less]: Staff are essential to any server. They are to take tickets and assist the community by punishing players who break the rules or helping people with game issues. They also assist with promotions, demotions, factions, whitelists, etc. Plus, they keep out those who want to ruin the flow of RP, like minges, cheaters, RDMers, or VDMers. Furthermore, they also Perma kill characters that have lost a gunfight, been put to death by the court, broken fear RP, or a general order PK. Plus, the staff are the leaders of the server. They must be fair and neutral regarding sits and should lead by example, being mature, respectable, and disciplined. Staff should help the players provide a smooth and fun experience, such as organizing events for the players with the GM team or helping enhance RP for the players. As staff members, we're here to help aid the players in the right direction, not just issue punishments. Notes:
  6. I can understand where your coming from Coffee but your still forgetting a couple things. As it states in the rules "You must give someone a verbal or text warning and allow them 10 seconds to respond before escalating the roleplay." Even when it comes to people who are being mugged/detained. I was trying to talk on radio (but it was off) and there was quite literally noone but me on at the time in the Heer there were panzers but I don't have any control over them to begin with. Secondly, You cant say my character wasn't valuing his life as I didn't run, I didn't pull a gun, I didn't begin to attack you or the other lapo and you yourself already knew I have surrendered and have willingly been arrested just seconds before this incident so you can't not reasonable say yourself that I have no regard for my characters life even within knowing me for just that short few minutes. Also "You cannot call for help within Discord or any other 3rd party service while being mugged/held under FearRP " In-game radios are not 3rd party service they are a server intended feature. 3rd party is a application that exists outside the bounds of the server by that definition the in-game radio does not fit with what you are saying also even if it is a matter of meta-gaming that is still not a PK-able offence that is whole other can of worms that would equal to other things however still it is stated in the meta gaming rules subsection "Any 3rd party Voice / VOIP program is considered OOC while in the server. In order for you to communicate with other players, you must use in-game chat or voice functions, we added radios for this exact reason." I don't mean to be rude in anyway toward you but the subsections dictate exactly how you are supposed to interpret the rules and this is in the meta-gaming section under Imperial-RP guideline directly above the rule your are using in your argument against me. Too conclude, You did not give me within 10 seconds to warn me other then to say I need to stop moving which I followed once you and your other lapo had guns pointed at me and asked you "am I'm getting arrested outside of the reichstag?" as I was confused with what it was your doing arresting me again after you just let me go. I didn't talk on my radio as my radio was still turned off when you came running from behind me my dumbass just didn't realize it at the time and I was wondering why it was so quiet also when a person is placed in cuffs as it is literally automatically turned off and even in the clip I never turn the radio back on cause you would be able to hear the unique beep it makes when turned on. Still radio's are not a meta-gaming mechanic as they are intended to be used on the server even tho there fucking annoying and the meta-gaming subsection says "you must use in-game chat or voice functions, we added radios for this exact reason." it's very dumb I'm sorry I get your frustration but to the letter of the rule it is something that is not a PK-able offence even if it was used nor is it something you can kill another over unless you specifically warned the person your detaining about it. I always say to people "Stop moving, Don't resist and Don't say anything." when I arrest them. Also sorry I miss quoted myself I though I remembered saying "being" instead of "getting" once again I was tired and I didn't think I would be here writing this so my bad along with my microphone cuts off what I say when I begin/end sentences sometimes also you yourself misquoted what i said in the clip said so I think we can just leave that too being a coincidence. Also " It would not make sense for me as the Police President (Oberst) to want and take your position as a random Military Leutnant." Would believe you on that count if it weren't for that you went to NSB and how they seemingly didn't care to which you yourself then decide to arrest me after my threat along with you leaving out the context of how we got to the those courtroom stairs to begin with and left out you had already just arrested me without any issue merely several seconds before hand. We are both trying to make stuff equal up here in this appeal but were both off just a bit to where it's not getting the right answer fully. I thank you for responding Coffee but this is not the first time we've interacted so please don't act like it is I am very stubborn and so are your that's why I enjoy your characters that you play. Anyways have a good day.
  7. Character's name & rank: Leutnant Ernst Stiglitz SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:645939357 Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Coffee (if this is wrong mb had to ask another staff for the name of who pk'd me) Explain why you were PK'd: No Idea, I never got pulled into a sit and found my character pk'd. I'm assuming it was some fear rp related. Why should you be un-PK'd?: Was not properly pulled into a sit, When asking for a clip of why I am PK'd on my character I was told by a staff (Mr History) there was no clip he could show me regarding the incident. After a Quick check of rules provided by this very forum it states. PK- Guidelines, Pk is not allowed if: 3. Not using PKs as a LAST resort. 4. Attempt to resolve the matter using other means which don't involve PKing first, unless it is deemed impossible, and agreed upon by the approving staff member. 5. PKing someone for the sole purpose of taking their job/title. Also it is stated in General Rules: You must have a valid RP reason to kill someone. You may shoot someone if they damage you with a weapon/vehicle. You may not shoot someone because of their physical appearance, faction or simply because they insulted you. You must give someone a verbal or text warning and allow them 10 seconds to respond before escalating the roleplay. Following this warning, you may kill them if they pull out a weapon. Do not bait someone to shoot/RDM you, and do not punch minge or initiate arguments to harass someone. 21. If you wish to request a permanent kill on another player, you must ensure the kill follows the PK guidelines. I was arrested by the Lapo and then release we had a argument they then tried to arrest me again after just letting me go and i said "am I'm being arrested in front of the reichstag?" while they were pointing there weapons ( I had no gun out and was standing still) they then shot me without warning. I thought nothing of it spent a minutes of the server afterward and had to get off for the night cause it was late for me. Additional Information: Summary: Got released from jail, Lapo tried to arrest me again asked them a question and they shot me. I was never put in cuffs I didn't run off from them and most importantly I valued my life and asked them a simple question to which they killed me without a warning before hand of any kind.

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