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Gary last won the day on February 8

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  1. Gary

    Shoot's PK APPEAL

    Yeah you were surrounded by military with a gun pointed at you and you decided to raise your weapon while threatening death upon them if they detained you. Pointing your gun at a group of military while they are attempting to detain you, while you are visibly outnumbered is not valuing your life whatsoever.
  2. Accepted. Sorry for the confusion, Thank you for the appeal. The ban has been removed from your record.
  3. Gary

    PK - FWS

    You were shot because you deserted the KG, just because you wanted a trial doesn't mean you get one and doesn't mean we don't want to murder you in cold blood. We don't have to have a court trial be last resort if we want to murder you for deserting.
  4. The person you shot was the NSB General. You shot them on your own volition I was overwatching the entire situation, I didnt see him pull a gun just the generaloberst and him were taking photos of eachother, the Generaloberst crashed and you decided to shoot him initiating a gunfight between the military and MOI. Leo is the individual who you shot I have no idea where you are thinking I was the person and that i switched off my character. Leo is the one who requested you be pk'd because you started the gunfight and died.
  5. Post your pk appeal in this format or it will be denied. Character's name & rank: SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Explain why you were PK'd: Why should you be un-PK'd?: Additional Information:
  6. Gary

    Ban Appeal

    You shot at a car that was well away from the military base and then ran away. Clearly rdm.
  7. post your steamid in this format STEAM_0:X:XXX
  8. Gary

    Altoid - Dispute

    Given the context of the clips provided I don't believe it was your entire intention to shoot the Small council member. Shooting someone pointing a gun at someone is entirely a plausible thing to do. I believe that there was a lack of seriousness involved in the situation. I will remove the ban as this is hardly MRDM. In the future you must be more serious in RP. Accepted.
  9. That’s why you were pkd. You pointed a gun in a general’s face.
  10. You were under fear rp and started screaming over the radio that you were being detained. So you were shot. Pretty basic.
  11. This you? https://gyazo.com/57a332943247b4657ce4143994076767
  12. I approved the pk because you told the nsb agents your willingness to report the incident. Not really smart when guys are waving guns in your face. The person claiming "Dirt pk" is irrelevant. they were not the one to request the pk.
  13. Denied. Mugging Rule 10 states that if killed while mugging you have the possibility of being pk'd.
  14. Denied. Situation stopped and you attempted to take advantage and lost. Valid pk.

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