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About fidel

  • Birthday 01/01/1875

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  1. +1 best recruiter ive met. D1 larper . would make great staff
  2. +1 great larper, and chief, would make great staff.
  3. +1 every interaction IC has been very professional , I think you'd do well as a staff member !
  4. fidel

    Altoid - Dispute

    you and the person who made the sit would not stop bickering, sits are not meant for people to yell at each other. i placed each of you in a corner so i could speak. the both of you acted like children so i dealt with the both of you as such. and that is not how you handle a situation , if you think someone is being kidnapped , you dont KOS, you make an arrest , put them through a court trial. but youve been around this server long enough im pretty sure you already know that.
  5. fidel

    Altoid - Dispute

    your most recent note in DEC, mentioned to ban on next offense, so another note would not make sense, nor would a verbal warning. to add on, you acted a fool in the sit room, placing props for whatever reason, and rambling about a completely different situation. you did not get shut down . you continued to spew nonsense , and i told you it is not what you said, its about how you said it, your careless demeanor and attitude in the sit AND in your POV clip justified this ban completely. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jEQufZkAz4NPa4Jdw/dEiwlATXEP9g?invite=cr-MSx1TG4sMjM2MTA1NzYzLA
  6. The situation was fully within the PK guidelines, you were under gunpoint, and had the decision to either run ( and risk your characters life ) or be detained . You decided to run which is why i made the decision to PK your character. However i am not against giving you a second chance only if you read over the rules at your soonest convenience. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jAD0O8QxUCAEG3HO8/PSXipOq6bWno?invite=cr-MSxvSzgsMTAxNjc2Mjg5LA
  7. fidel

    Ban appeal.

    its common sense when youre outnumbered 1-20, you do not take out your firearm and contest it. regardless of the situation. https://medal.tv/games/screen-capture/clips/jAFDmmZ2tc6valit2?invite=cr-MSx1V0csMTM0NjkxMjAwLA
  8. it had its ups and downs but maybe only specific people who are trusted role-players could be whitelisted for it .
  9. +1 could put the Luftwaffe or panzers to good use. instead of them just standing around on guard duty like every other faction
  10. fidel

    Ban Appeal

    public property would insinuate that anyone , at any given time , can walk in and do whatever they want .... but they cannot. which "admin" did you speak with? You are correct, you cannot mug on public property, but lapo is far from public.
  11. fidel

    Ban Appeal

    So this sentence alone should be reason enough to deny this appeal. However i will take accountability and say i mis titled your ban. You did not "leave to avoid punishment". You left to avoid roleplay. The clip will speak for itself. To add on , I gave you the most generous and kind hearted ban probably in Prometheus history, or at least one of them , considering you have nearly two pages of notes , and bans, i should have hit you with the max time I'm aloud to. AND I completely disregarded the fact that you were harassing the same fisherman for at least an hour prior to this situation. Given that , I strongly recommend we reinstate your perma ban, you clearly do not have the mental capacity to handle basic server rules. TO ADD ON i remember yesterday morning i was the one who recruited you to the DRK , AS AN ASSISTENT (Gefreiter equivalent) , So tell me how someone goes from Low rank Enlisted > to Kommissaranwärter ( Oberfeldwebel equivalent ) , faction hopping is how. If your perma ban is not reinstated then your character "Robert Klause" needs to be PKd. Anyways enough of me rambling , below is the video of the LTARP situation, and your POs. I believe this ban was a more then reasonable punishment .
  12. +1 competent in RP. good person in general
  13. fidel

    Ban Appeal

    disregarding your LIBRARY of notes and bans - your dedication should be not go unrecognized
  14. I supplied yomanny with this snippet, however I was not involved with the RP situation at all so my word may not mean much. i will say , this has happened in the past where yomanny just loses connection out of nowhere and reconnects a few minutes later. some of us just don't have perfect internet connection.

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