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  1. Your Discord username: kieran7910 Your Steam ID (STEAM_X:X:XXX): STEAM_1:1:156724399 Your current server rank: (User/Donator/Staff) Donator Your character's full name (include RP rank): Reinhardt Maxmillian What is the name of your business?: Formerly, The Inquisition, now Trilogy Nightclub Do you have the necessary roleplay documentation for your business?: (Y/N) Yes Lease: ATTACHED KAG ID: ATTACHED Why do you need a vendor?: To sell to the customers, earn a profit, pay tax... It's going to be a Nightclub, loud muisic, dancers ect Roleplay for the people & funding for the Governments (and mine) pocket. What do you want your vendor to sell?: Alcohol & Cigarettes What building are you using? 52 - Erskinne-Straße ( Medium Shop )
  2. Kieran

    meem staff app

    I'll give it a +1, I know you've had breakdowns as I've personally been apart of one of them, good giggle, however I feel like if you did become a Staff Member you might learn how to deal with situations accordingly, don't forget we are like retail workers... we dont smile but we HAVE to... that kinda thing. Best of luck!
  3. I'll +1 it as I do believe in 2nd chances, but if it is accepted and you end up getting banned again....
  4. Kieran

    Beach Ban Appeal

    They always come crawling back eventually... like rodents you just cant get rid off.
  5. Kieran


    Clarification of RP Scenario: Hello, I’m the Minister of Justice, you had failed the BAR Examination with a whopping 15 points, after which you were never spoken to in-roleplay nor trained to be within the Ministry of Justice. You had made several tickets to get a member of Staff to put you in the State Uniform without prior training or any actual approval. Upon myself finding out that you had done so, at the same time you had ordered the false death of a Panzertruppe for wanting to be discharged through legal means, you had violated the terms of a ACTUAL judge and gone against the way of life agreement, which caused your death. Konsul Lukas Vogel ordered your PK therefore the guideline was under NHC PK. Maybe next time learn instead of kidnapping people to get BAR Exam answers, you ask people in the State without a gun.

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