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Everything posted by Vale

  1. +1 He would make a great member of staff.
  2. +1 Great person to RP with and also has an understanding of the rules.
  3. +1 Would make a great staff member.
  4. 2. Users applying for trusted must be VIP. I suggest you read this. If you had VIP, I would +1. unfortunately, it seems you do now meet the requirements. I recommended you because I thought you had VIP. V.
  5. Hi there, Let's clarify a few things: I banned you not only for this event, which someone reported to ERP; I also banned you because of all the previous stuff on your record. This was your list of notes. This was your list of bans. Me being the person who banned you before. A fellow admin @Youssl also advised me to ensure a more extended ban this time so you may consider the type of roleplay you intend to have on this server. This is not a mess around with your friends and be stupid server. This is a genuine RP server, and I don't know what "Butt cheese" has anything to do with it. In conclusion, I strongly suggest you rethink your actions on the server if you wish to continue playing and engage in something other than stupidity. I banned you for it last time and banned you this time for it. V. Edit: The ban is not going to be permanent
  6. +1 I am a firm believer that we need more stuff for CIVs to do. As you can imagine, it's pretty hard to come up with things for them not to get used to because they join factions anyway. Civ characters are never really main characters, in my opinion. I suppose having a civ faction to rival any faction would be difficult, and nine times out of the ten when we all know a specific civ group is neck deep into drug dealing, they're usually the last thing on the LAPO's mind to go in there and sort it out. I suppose we could work on more CIV jobs. - MOP couriers - Tiny China paid security work - Private investigators - Maybe even a black market weapons dealer ( Approval would be needed for this and would be a highly trusted position ) These are all ideas; for any of this to work, it must follow all the rules and fit into the server without posing issues, which I know can be difficult sometimes! Something which I would love to see is the Kontinental actually being used for something by a hotel chain where people can buy rooms to make drugs or something. Such a big building not being used for anything is a pity. I also agree that getting first time players into factions, discords, and set up into uniforms can be a long process which they sometimes don't quite understand, so having an option for them to get a little taster of the server doing something else to begin with might assist in keeping some players playing for the long term. Anyway, I strongly support this idea, but next time, when writing a suggestion, come up with a few ideas so the staff team can see you've genuinely thought about it. V.
  7. +1 I would suggest making more characters to try out different factions.
  8. Vale

    Ban Appeal

    So the reason why you were banned is because of a player report by @Helsing You cannot go around the server no matter the time and cause havoc because you think you won't get in trouble. Above, you will see the report made. I hope this clears things up. V.
  9. Hi there, Thank you for contacting me in-game and informing me of this report. I have banned both players for two weeks on MRDM, NLR, and NITRP. I apologise that this didn't happen sooner on behalf of the entire staff team. Sometimes, things get overlooked. You did the right thing by contacting me in game. Should this ever happen again, another great to contact us is by making a ticket on the community discord. ( https://discord.gg/r5mCS95y ) Regards V.
  10. Right... So I explained the basic principles of FEARRP, waited 25 minutes for you to upload a video to Google Drive out of all places, and told you to go to prn.gg and look at the rules, and you still want to dispute your PK? Let's delve into this; hopefully, you can comprehend why you were PK'd. FearRP is the feeling of having a weapon pointed at your character. Your character is to obey an armed person when they threaten you with a weapon (i.e. when the weapon is pointed at you or reasonably close to posing a danger, as in the same room or near you, where the person may clearly shoot within two seconds). This implies that you cannot flee "because I was afraid." You give the armed man your whole obedience. If you look in Exhibit A: https://medal.tv/?contentId=izacduWGONS0SUqvq&invite=cr-MSxvT3csMjI0MTMzNTY4LA&spok=d1337w4x2zwE You had TWO men pointing guns at you, and then you decided to pull out an MP40 to try and fight them and FAILED. So we now know what FEARRP is, and you now know WHY you were PK'd. I strongly suggest you read the rules. https://wiki.prn.gg/wiki/Community_Rules to prevent situations like this again. Furthermore, just have common sense... V.
  11. Vale


    Where is the apology?
  12. Hi There, Let me explain this from my angle. I come into a situation where your character has been requested within a PK with a good amount of evidence against you. I agree with the PK. As soon as I agree with it, you magically disappeared. I then look through the look to find the evidence behind your disconnection. You will see tagged as "exhibit A", a picture showing you changing character and then being banned. I also checked chat logs to ensure that you called for an admin to explain your situation about leaving after you reconnected; you also failed to do that. So, based on my utterly impartial opinion of all tickets, I viewed you as someone trying to manipulate the system. I checked your previous offences, and I saw you indeed had three notes of LTARP. Well, my dear fellow, this prompted me to ban you for a week. I hope this clears things up. Good Day V. Exhibit A: https://ibb.co/k588pV5
  13. Making a post trying to glaze yourself is rather sad.

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