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  1. Can you address the allegations
  2. Shoots

    Shoot's PK APPEAL

    Only one person who attempted to detain me. Rest were literally just moving around staring at me.
  3. Character's name & rank: NSB-Polizeiunterdiener Karl Heinrich Bauer SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:1:634637750 Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Gary Explain why you were PK'd: I was patrolling with a group of fellow NSB member when we received critical information that a member of the military was spreading sedition through posters being dropped around the city. We were described a green sport-like vehicle which we immediately spotted and pursued. Following the crash of said vehicle into the ICC gate, we moved to question the individual. This is when (typically) the ENTIRE military got involved. I told them to back away, where generalmajor Karl Becker told me I wouldn't do anything. I took this challenge head on and immediately moved to and successfully tied the suspect. This is where one of the feldjagers started to drag him back into their own base. I followed them, asking where they were bringing my suspect. The following moments all can be followed on the clip. Why should you be un-PK'd?: There was a SINGULAR weapon pointed at me. Only a pistol drawn against me, while the others had nothing but their bodies to protect. There was no threatening manner against my character, and even as Karl Becker said "detain him and push him out." They didn't even have the motive to ARREST me. I retaliated, if, in the case the other military members in my immediate area pointed their weapons, I would have not moved, and obliged. I did "not move" in a sense where my character didn't move, I did "move" in the sense where I raised my weapon (NOT KILLING ANYONE, NOT STARTING A GUN FIGHT, THEREFORE NOT A SEPERATE PK REASON.) They shouldn't had even shot right away. People point weapons all the time. It was these trigger happy military that lead to my death, not my disregard for command. My character did not fear for his life due to the lack of threat against him, and lack of motive from the military. This could have been handled in a different way if the military players had some better roleplay coaching. I believe it just to unPK my character because I was properly roleplaying and valuing the life of my character in due regard for my surroundings. Additional Information: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jPwFmegDqlki5Gaua?invite=cr-MSxrSWksMzIzMTg4NjM1LA This situation was also followed up by a 15 second sit with no explanation of anything. Additionally going off the rulebook "In this situation, one single warning/order will not suffice, multiple warnings in a very short time span will also not suffice, you must give them adequate time to react." "one single warning/order will not suffice" I had less than 10 seconds to react. Not nearly enough time for this to properly be a roleplay death. I would also like to note no matter WHAT I would have ended up detained even If I attempted to leave. They had me surrounded from the start, and had ALL exits blocked off my another member of the military. This shot to the head form the hauptmann also lead to a gunfight started by the military.

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