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Introduction information section:

Steam name: jimmyjohnjr900

Steam ID: 0:0:812731984

Discord username/ID: Peemaster

Time zone: CST

Age: 22

Time Played (check with !time): 2 months 4 Hours

Your Current rank (User/Donator/Trusted): Donator/VIP

Do you have a mic & will you use it? Yes, and I will use it

Are you consistently active on the forums and server?: Yes I am.

Did anyone from the recruitment team assist you making your application? @Mical Jordin

Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify): @Vixx@Mical Jordin


IC Character names, Ranks, and brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format:

  • NSB-Oberpolizeiinspektor David Zimmer, His job is just to push out paperwork, write witness statements, do dossiers on individuals and all that fun stuff.
  • PSD-Hauptmeister Schmitz Werner, His job is to guard and protect the president/Vice President at all times.
  • Leutant Hans Webel, His job is to do patrols, do certs to those new recruits, also is a mass recruiter for the KG.
  • Hauptmann Frank Leo, His job is to take those grenadiers on patrols, help new recruits out.
  • Oberleutant Joseph Schmidt, His job is to just recruit people, take people on patrol.
  • Leutant Zur sees Hisenberg Weber, His duties are to take the new recruits on patrol, also to recruit.
  • Unterfeldwebel Heniz Ulhaus, He is in the VSK he makes sure to help the NSB and LAPO out when needed.
  • Hauptkommissar Zack Muller, He is in the LAPO his job is to recruit, enforce the law.
  • Kyle Muller, He is in the Archibald family, caught up with the criminal life


How long have you been roleplaying? Since June of 2024

Have you received any infractions i.e. Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time? 

Past 2 weeks notes: 

11/27/2024, Breaking NLR. I went back to the place where I died after 10 mins which resulted in me getting that note. In order for me not to get it again, I will wait even longer before going back.

11/18/2024. 3-day ban for minge | PO. I was on my civ character, and I mugged a KG, Lapo saw me and tried to put me in cuffs, but I kept moving not letting them. In order for me not to get this ban again, I won't break fearRP and let them detain me.

Side note: I will not do those things above again and I'm sorry for that, I will make sure I will keep a clean record from now on which is what I am doing. 


Staff Knowledge Section:

What previous experience do you have as staff member either within Garry's Mod or the Nutscript Gamer mode? None, But I only got experience being staff in some discord servers.

Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff team? [300 words or more]:

The reason why I think I should be picked for staff for the Prometheus Networks is because I been roleplaying for a decent amount of time when I found the server, and that I have been active within the community/server and getting along with people and starting to meet new people. Another reason why I should be picked is that because there are not many active staff around the nighttime for CST to watch over the server and I also tend to believe that there is staff shorter, and you guys are always needing active people, and I am one of those people who been active and engaging with the community. I also want to help those new future players when they come across the server and want to roleplay, I want to be there to help them, answer their questions if they have any or suggestions, anything they got to say that's appropriate. I also want this to be my first Garry's mod experience, and I want this first-time experience with the Prometheus Networks because of the time I spent here and truly enjoyed it. I am also hoping I can learn or teach others a thing or two, everyone has different mod experience, we can learn some things from others. I also want to make sure that the future Prometheus Network role-players or the ones right now don't make the same mistakes I did, like getting notes and bans on their records and tell them how bad that can be on them if they tend to stay within the community, I may have some but I am now keeping a clean record and want to keep it that way. I want to make sure that new people or current people will read the rules and actually understand them because some people do read them but may be confused about some of them and what they mean and need further expiation, it can happen and that's okay. Thats why staff members are here to help with that. Getting mod is also about getting along with the community well and that's what I been doing and I will continue this. Another reason why I should be on the staff team is because I am always active and have time on the server. I can also see that I can meet my quota when given as it's no issue to me. I can see myself being more helpful to this community and I plan on growing this community bigger than what it is. that's always the plan for anyone I assume when they are staff. It's important to grow the community help those who don't understand some stuff as that's why we are here as staff members, we should always be ready for anything that might occur. I also believe that I can try and recruit people on the staff team, I want to make the Prometheus staff team grow and have more amazing people.


What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words? [150 words or more]:

The duties and responsibilities that the position I'm applying for is that you must be always ready to enforce the rules on role-players, and help them understand them, it's important for them to read the rules and actually understand what they mean and what punishments will come afterwards if they break those rules, I also want to make sure that all players enjoy roleplaying, help them out with tips to maybe improve their roleplay skills, who knows maybe they are just new to roleplaying and don't know a single thing to do or start a roleplay scenario, I also believe that if people don't understand the rules they won't be able to roleplay properly because they will just keep breaking the rules, and one of our responsibilities as staff is also to teach them what they did wrong not just warn them or ban them and that's it no, you explain why they are in trouble for breaking the rule, tell them what rule it is that they broke and explain how they how they should prevent it from happening again, this might not be the case for all rule breakers because sometimes there are people who are on the server just to ruin the fun for those who want to have a good time, those rule breakers should be dealt with immediately without second chances. Another thing is when you come across those players I think as staff members, that we should have a talk with them and maybe they will change their minds and will want to be part of the community. It's also important not to get carried away and abuse your power, you want to make sure everyone is heard, and you are not biased to another person because that's not who we need on the staff team, it causes problems. Another thing is as staff is that we must always be patient with who we are dealing with no matter what. Another responsibility as staff is that you must take tickets and help those who made them and take the tickets on time.  Another responsibility is that it's important that you meet the quota given because if not, it might just show you don't really enjoy being on the staff team or you have something else going on. Lastly as staff member you must always be mature and always active.



Edited by jimmyjohnjr900
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get this man on the staff team

Edited by ItzTreywayyツ
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Known him for months and has great knowledge of the server, always been willing to learn what he doesnt know.

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Had multiple interactions with him, great roleplayer and due to him being in the server for a long time he knows how the server functions, and what the rules are, would make a perfect addition to the staff team.

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Welcome to the Staff Team!

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