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Maracia Ban Apology

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Name: Maracia

SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:170167974

Staff Member who issued the Ban: Hound

Ban length: Perma

Reason you were banned: Minge / NSFW in document

Long story short I was tired of catching RDM notes for shooting civilians who came into the military base, so I just made a document titled "Fuck off" with Mario from SM64 edited to be goatse and dropped the document into the civilians pockets before I released them. 

Although it is somewhat funny in a twisted sort of way, it isn't proper RP and I should have considered that. 

I do not disagree with the ban, but ask that it be cut down in length due to it taking place during the absolute mingefest that occured on the 24th. Nobody was exactly taking RP seriously at the time, I just pushed the envelope a little too far.

From now on I will aim to use the document creation tool for it's intended purpose, that being creating documents with so much legalese embedded within that it gives Saul Goodman a run for his money. Hopefully that can work to atone for my actions that spurred this ban.

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+1 seems sorry enough

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You posted a picture of Mario gaping his asshole. You are a detriment to society.

  • Devastated 1
  • KEKW 1
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i dont even see why he was banned

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Hi, I’m the staff member who banned you initially.

I was flying around bored near the MOI when I noticed a clipboard on the ground. I decided to collect this clipboard, named “FUCK YOU!!!” since I like to find the rare and funny ones.

I opened yours and it was the goatse image with Mario from the Nintendo 64.

I messaged Hound asking for advice; a two week ban was applied and made permanent after by Hound.

Honestly, unwarranted and unmitigated freak behavior. I deleted the item, if you’re curious.

Edited by mEEm
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You may submit another appeal in no less than 30 days.

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