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Ban Appeal


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Your Name: lildrama08

SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:1:603111005

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology

Which staff member banned you?: Major Whoreson

How long is your ban for?: Permanent 

Why were you banned?: Giving guns to civilians and using Alt accounts 

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?:I
Hello, I was around a while back when we still used gilded, my reputation wasn’t very good. I will admit I did do some dumb things and got myself banned a couple times. I’m here to ask for a final chance to settle into this community and to just fix up my reputation one final time. I miss having fun on this server, I miss all the unique people on it, the chill staff and mostly the roleplay. I would love to take over a faction with my friends and just put out a name for myself through the RP.

I understand that my ban was appropriate for giving guns to civilians and encouraging unapproved raids. I was bored and acted like a minge, which I quickly realized was a mistake. If I am unbanned, I will enjoy the server without breaking any rules or mingy behavior. And I’m sorry to the people I have pissed off in the past.

Additional Information:  If anyone has any questions please ask and I will happily answer in this forum.

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+1 larped with this guy in 2024 before the big update

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+1 seems genuine enough

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+1 its been a while and it would add to the RP

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Thank you for the appeal, have fun.



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