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Ban Appeal

Harrious B.

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Your Name: HarryB^

SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX):  STEAM_0:0:65488

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute):  Dispute

Which staff member banned you?: Virus

How long is your ban for?: Permanent

Why were you banned?: not being happy with denning's return (1+ years ago)

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: drip


Additional Information: 🍔

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Didn't you make a bunch of retarded videos "exposing" Prometheus and said you were never coming back? Do you just have no shame or pride in yourself or something?

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There is no pride in being wrong, only foolishness;

If the people I knew so well would stick by you or in your community for so long, and I should have expected to be wrong about what I thought about you and your community; however, what drove me to this level of disdain that I would nearly any rumor about you was that you had unbanned Denning, someone who had done terrible things to the people of his community. It really pissed me off, and that's what keeps this appeal labelled a "Dispute".

I've got old news that you haven't yet seen about him that'll be worth a chuckle. For the time I've been gone, I've gotten the opportunity to speak with individuals involved in the scene including Birch, and I took down the video about him therefore; he's proven that at the end of the day, it was all fun and games, no weird Gmod conspiracy to take down other nutscript servers.

For my last remarks, I've also been unable to scrounge up much of anything about Prometheus, and nothing consistent either. I've got an apology for you, where I've treated the community as if it were an abomination for all this time. Truth is, I may not have gotten what I deserved, but I got what I should have expected. The reason this hasn't come any sooner is because I was so confident, but now all I want is the acknowledgement that unbanning Denning was a mistake. Especially for what I'm about to put down.

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I should expect this to be enough to prove that it was indeed a mistake, if you banning him already didn't make that clear. I never wanted this man back among the Gmod playerbase at all because of what he did.

He literally lost his Australian BAR. Over what he's done. You'll come to wonder how or why I've spoken to him again, and it's because he began an independent community called Time Capsule Networks. It was going to be a rather shitty knockoff of Modified Gaming, which was shitty enough to begin with.

I let him convince me that the two children he had doxxed and threatened were actually after his family, up until I realised what a drama queen this guy was when he said the atrocious shit above.  I will post a youtube link shortly.

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I never called Denning a hardcore pedophile, I said that he was a 35-37 year old man dating a 22 year old woman at the time he made Midified Gaming. He got jealous of me being good friends with her and his DAF leader at the time, where I got my mafia hosted. And that he blackmailed two minors. 

Of course, nothing like this had phased Denning whatsoever, he had come to expect it of me when I tracked him down learning of his presence in the servers I would try out.

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