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Revamped Mugging/Kidnapping

Harrious B.

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Description of the idea: Disallow mugging as government on civilians, or from among their own branches, unless there is personal IC reasoning to do so. This can include the knowledge of possession of valuables, the ongoing search for somebody who is wanted, somebody from a faction which is actively looking for the mugger, or somebody who the mugger knows has wronged them specifically.

A more elaborate example of this type of mugging with IC reason to do so, would be if the Generalfeldmarshall declared the MOI an enemy, and had a coup, because they put a warrant out for him. A group of grenadiers might go out on patrol, and see a pair of MOI officers taking a walk down the street. This would be the ideal situation where there is true incentive to mug, without necessarily being unfair. They could kidnap and then strip these officers of their goods, and then do from there what they wanted with them, leaving them in the river or taking them to the ICC for processing. Either way, the goods are theirs, and their superiors will be happy with their work.

Also, disallow kidnapping or mugging of Captain+ without UA/GA approval. These individuals should be considered at least somewhat guarded in a realistic situation. It would be pretty annoying if a group of civilians could just kidnap any lone general or minister on a walk. If the general/minister has anybody accompanying them, they may not be mugged either.

Also, disallow kidnapping entirely when in designated public spaces or in front of NPCs. This gives true safezones from mugging and allows players to actually converse or hold congregation in safe places. It should not be possible to drag somebody from the Reichstag all the way to behind the bank or in the alley in order to take their stuff. 

Also, disallow mugging or kidnapping people from their faction spawns except if there is a warrant for that individual's arrest or you had personal business with them that involves you obtaining custody of said person.


This idea would make it impossible to mug in the immediate view of vending NPCs and all locations considered broad daylight. The following are considered;

ICC (Border area), MOI (Outside), Reichstag (Outside, Garden+Fountain), Gas Station, Hospital (Outside), Bank, Casino (unless closed), OB, Landespolizei station (Outside)


Why should this be added?: Civilians will generally have no method of defending themselves, aside from tediously obtaining a license for a gun or going through the grind to get one illegally. They will also not typically have the manpower to defend themselves from a group of unfair or corrupt police looking for a score.

What negatives could this have?: It will remove the dynamic of being able to mug on the spot whoever they feel like, but this is necessary for it to actually be tolerable and not having to watch your back for literally any group of people.

Additional information: Perhaps it was just in my experience, but today (3/7/2023) I was kidnapped three times on one character, twice within less than half an hour. I had the rules quite mixed up after a year or so of being gone and palying elsewhere, but I enjoyed the safety we were granted from other servers that scolded taking advantage of the utilitarian areas of the map (travelling zones, stations/HQs) and I believe this would make for a fantastic addition here on Prometheus.

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Just now, Harrious B. said:

Description of the idea: Disallow mugging as government on civilians, or from among their own branches, unless there is personal IC reasoning to do so. This can include the knowledge of possession of valuables, the ongoing search for somebody who is wanted, somebody from a faction which is actively looking for the mugger, or somebody who the mugger knows has wronged them specifically.

A more elaborate example of this type of mugging with IC reason to do so, would be if the Generalfeldmarshall declared the MOI an enemy, and had a coup, because they put a warrant out for him. A group of grenadiers might go out on patrol, and see a pair of MOI officers taking a walk down the street. This would be the ideal situation where there is true incentive to mug, without necessarily being unfair. They could kidnap and then strip these officers of their goods, and then do from there what they wanted with them, leaving them in the river or taking them to the ICC for processing. Either way, the goods are theirs, and their superiors will be happy with their work.

Also, disallow kidnapping or mugging of Captain+ without UA/GA approval. These individuals should be considered at least somewhat guarded in a realistic situation. It would be pretty annoying if a group of civilians could just kidnap any lone general or minister on a walk. If the general/minister has anybody accompanying them, they may not be mugged either.

Also, disallow kidnapping entirely when in designated public spaces or in front of NPCs. This gives true safezones from mugging and allows players to actually converse or hold congregation in safe places. It should not be possible to drag somebody from the Reichstag all the way to behind the bank or in the alley in order to take their stuff. 

Also, disallow mugging or kidnapping people from their faction spawns except if there is a warrant for that individual's arrest or you had personal business with them that involves you obtaining custody of said person.


This idea would make it impossible to mug in the immediate view of vending NPCs and all locations considered broad daylight. The following are considered;

ICC (Border area), MOI (Outside), Reichstag (Outside, Garden+Fountain), Gas Station, Hospital (Outside), Bank, Casino (unless closed), OB, Landespolizei station (Outside)


Why should this be added?: Civilians will generally have no method of defending themselves, aside from tediously obtaining a license for a gun or going through the grind to get one illegally. They will also not typically have the manpower to defend themselves from a group of unfair or corrupt police looking for a score.

What negatives could this have?: It will remove the dynamic of being able to mug on the spot whoever they feel like, but this is necessary for it to actually be tolerable and not having to watch your back for literally any group of people.

Additional information: Perhaps it was just in my experience, but today (3/7/2023) I was kidnapped three times on one character, twice within less than half an hour. I had the rules quite mixed up after a year or so of being gone and palying elsewhere, but I enjoyed the safety we were granted from other servers that scolded taking advantage of the utilitarian areas of the map (travelling zones, stations/HQs) and I believe this would make for a fantastic addition here on Prometheus.

Note; Civilians would not be restricted from mugging/kidnapping any faction, however the conditions under which they can mug/kidnap anybody remain the same; the target must not be in a safezone, a spawn, in front of a vending NPC or ranked Captain+ (without approval)


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Dumb Suggestion. Do better!

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Dumb Suggestion. Do better!

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the mugging mechanic isnt being completely rewritten because you havent adjusted to the rules yet. Just Assimilate. 

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