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Advertisement Blacklisting system and reversion

Harrious B.

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Description of the idea: To reduce advertisement cost to 50-200 DM

Why should this be added?:  I, like many other players, cannot dish out 3,000 DM for things as casual as a regular business advertisement, or a meeting request for an official that might not even see the advert, and from what I heard, this cost is thanks to a retard saying something unimagineably stupid.

I would suggest returning the price to normal and taking to creating a blacklist system for advertisements if anybody abuses them. Please, not everybody can spend 3k every time they want to make a public request, statement or general advertisement.

What negatives could this have?: Of course there will be a jump in retards saying stupid shit, but that's where you punish THEM with an actual blacklist, and not limit the entire server's capacity to communicate ICly. For example, if I need the audience of the MoJ and he might not even be in the server, I'm completely screwed out of 3,000 DM. If I wanted to advertise my business, I'd probably spend more than I earn from it relative to one advertisement. If anybody wants to call me, as I am both a judge and a lawyer, they'd have to spend more than my charging rate as a lawyer to do so.

Additional information: N/A

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No. These changes were made for a reason. 80% of the advertisements that people put out when they were that cheap were fucking retarded. A blacklist system will just create more issues for staff to deal with.

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