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Altoid - (P)Ban appeal


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Your Name: Altoid

SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:1:567801681

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology and Dispute (Mostly apology)

Which staff member banned you?: Ryan (UA in general)

How long is your ban for?: Permanent

Why were you banned?: Exile (+ Massive # of PO's)

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: 

Dispute - (ish):

The original event that led up to my permanent ban was an exile, along side several others. From what I've heard there were some allegations of me spreading some false rumors about members of UA/Whoreson in general, and that was the main reason. However, when the drama started to begin with Lordvagues Server I left the discord due to the fact that I did not want to be part of it whatsoever and I honestly just wanted to roleplay, at the time I was a trial-mod (Not UA) and was also banned for this. Lordvague is my friend and he sent me the invite to his 1942 server that he was starting and as his friend I joined it assuming that it was kosher (it was not) and it resulted with myself being exiled alongside lordvague and his members of UA and probably a couple others. I mentioned earlier that I left the discord when everything started, I will admit that I rejoined when I saw screenshots of all of the Prometheus UA members joining the VC so I asked for the reinvite out of curiosity because I wanted to know what was going on, however under no circumstance was I spreading rumors, insulting Prometheus staff, or anything of the sort. At no point did I continue playing the server lordvague made when I left the discord, I left all that because I just didn't want to be part of it, unfortunately it didn't really work and I was exiled anyways. I don't really think this calls for a permanent ban but I understand how it looks through the eyes of you guys and I want to clarify that I am not banning anyone, I'm just mentioning this because it was the reason that initiated my ban to commence. I want to clarify that this is a small fraction of my appeal and I want to clarify that this in no way is my main part.


Another important aspect that assisted my ban was the amount of Prior offenses I had, such as notes and bans, I think this was something that assisted with my ban being justified was that it shows that I cause trouble for people on the server, I want to apologize for my actions. I had a lot of PO's (Notes & Bans) for Nitrp, RDM, VDM, a lot of minge notes to be honest. I understand that I was and probably still am viewed as a minge because a lot of the characters I made with minge sounding names such as John Spaghetti/Alfredo or even an old unknown one like Wally Chestnut, I do know this doesn't help my situation at all but I honestly just want to roleplay because even though I was known for those characters I had a couple really decent ones like Ivstan Wolff or John Hofbauer who both got high ranking CO positions with possibilities of maybe even becoming a GO at one point. I like to think that I could help with roleplay in a positive way that doesn't display a minge image on myself. The event that caused for a note to be placed on my account which basically stated that next offense was a permanent ban was because I had a character named John Spaghetti and I was told by Hound (member of UA) to change it, and when the prompt came up which gave me the option to change it, I did something incredibly immature and changed my name to John and then the name of a server that Hound ran a while ago which clearly bugged him and I do really apologize for that. It was incredibly stupid, I don't know why I did it, I recognize it was incredibly petty and again I do apologize for that. It's been well a couple months since my ban and I understand that you guys would be reluctant to unban me due to my notes and the fact that it establishes a pattern that I am a trouble maker and that I shouldn't be back allowed in the server because I may cause trouble for any of the staff members. Over the time I thought about my actions and how I could fix them and I've come to the conclusion that the only way I can fix how I act is by thinking, I can promise that I will be thinking before my actions and I would really appreciate if my ban is reconsidered because I genuinely just want to political roleplay, which the new concept of kaiserRP it's introduced a really good political system that I really enjoy and would like to be part of. Under no circumstance am I justifying my actions, I accept responsibility for it and I genuinely recognize how poor my actions were/are. I want to prove to you guys that I can follow the rules and that I can follow the rules and just not be a minge. If not an unban then I request that it's at least shortened because I recognise my actions and I hope for another chance to be part of this community, because it's a community I enjoy. I want to prove that I actually have changed, I understand that another reason I was banned was my poor attitude. A good example of me displaying a poor attitude would be when I was in the sit with Hound and I set my name to that, it was petty and just a generally negative thing to do, it was an attack on him and it was for no reason. Over the couple months my attitude has changed and I want to prove it, I want to show that I can actually roleplay without causing shit for other people. Again I am not justifying my actions whatsoever but I humbly ask that my ban is reconsidered, I appreciate to whomever read this long ass appeal.


Additional Information: Was told to appeal after two weeks by a member of UA, since my previous denied pban appeal. It has been just over two weeks.

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I do feel responsible for his ban and many others, I beleive he deserves another shot for what it's worth, while alot was said during that time; I believe alot of people were misinformed. 
I personally do NOT recall Altoid partaking in any discussions that were remotely negative about prometheus.

+1 for what its worth

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Your just gonna do more retarded things and be a pain

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I'll +1 it as I do believe in 2nd chances, but if it is accepted and you end up getting banned again....

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20 hours ago, LordVague said:

+1 for what its worth

not worth much chief

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-1; Thanks.

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Too clarify I don't really expect a full unban but I am requesting it to be at least shortened to a reasonable amount.

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