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Staff Application


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Introduction Information Section
Steam Name: MangoMan

SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:0:166304113

Discord Username/ID: Mangoes123321

Timezone: AEST

Age: 19

Time Played (check with !time): 1 week

Your current rank(User/Donator/Trusted): User

Do you have a mic & will you use it?: Yes & Yes

Are you consistently active on the forums and server?: I just joined the forums and will be consistently active, I am on the server usually for several everyday unless something comes up OOC.

Did anyone from the Recruitment Team assist you in making your application?: Slickb

Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify): Saito, Slickb, Fidel, Meem, Mrbaseball99, Joker

Basic Information Section
IC Character names, ranks, and brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format:

Richterprasident Augustus Mannerheim: Current chief of the Polizei Gericht and current Richterprasident. Maintains the Interior police courts, tasked with maintaining a sufficient number of Competent Richters in the first and second chamber to uphold law within the Ministry of Interior

Leutnant Gaius Julius Agricola: Commanding Officer within the 1. Kaisergarde - II. 'Pratorianer' Century. Tasked with recruitment, training, certifications, upholding order and competence within the NCO and enlisted ranks of the Kaisergarde in order to sufficiently maintain protection of the Imperator and uphold the newly established protection over the First Crown District.

How long have you been roleplaying?:
I have been roleplaying for approximately 1.5 - 2 months on the Imperial server, back after a 2 year break where I had roleplayed for several months to a year.

Have you received any infractions i.e Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time?:
I have received 0 notes or bans as I am able to read and comprehend rules

Staff Knowledge Section
What previous experience so you have as a staff member either within Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode?

I do not have previous experience on being a staff member on Garry's Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode.

Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team?[300 words or more]:

Despite my lack of prior experience as a staff member I deeply respect the work of the staff team on Prometheus, the roleplay experience they have created and the community they have subsequently fostered over the years. I want to contribute to this fantastic team of staff and assist in making Prometheus the absolute best roleplay experience it can be. I can learn and apply knowledge on subjects I am passionate about at an extremely swift pace which will allow me, if I am accepted, to become a very competent, valued staff member and amongst one of the best. I am able to follow direction and take initiative very well when it is required in the situation. Furthermore I am consistently active more than most people during online hours and enjoy this roleplaying experience more than most other online experiences. I am well versed on server rules already due to my previous time on Prometheus before the reset so I will not be blind to the practices of being a staff member if I am accepted and will be able to wrap my head around the processes of being staff even quicker. My timezone allows me to take tickets to assist people during hours that most staff are offline, that combined with my consistently active playtime therefore allowing members to be staffed nearly 24/7. This would be very beneficial to the staff team as this time is often rife with server rule breaking aswell as players needing general staff assistance and I am able to enforce the rules against these offenders which I know personally from firsthand experience can be a handful to deal with. Whilst not having any prior offences, I have also helped staff members on several occasions with tickets against people breaking server rules already. Moreso I am very passionate about becoming a gamemaster for war events as strategy and tactics is a major hobby of mine.

What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words? [150 Words or more]:

The duties and responsibilities of being a member of staff are to; Competently and consistently uphold the server rules in a fair and just way against those who willingly or unknowingly breach aforementioned rules such as the following common offenses of FailRP, NITRP, RDM, VDM, Breaking FearRP etc. Ensuring the experience is fun, organized and fair for all involved. By being fair I should be more lenient to first time offenders and roleplayers that are new to the experience and be strict and harsh on those with prior offences that consistently harm and cause grief to the community. I need to ensure proper evidence is provided by an affected party if I am to ensure a resolution to a ticket involving an accused rule break such as a short recording of and and shortly before the aforementioned rule break. Lastly my responsibility is to learn to be the best I can be as a staff member from those who are more experienced than I am to ensure I become the best staff member I can be.

Notes: N/A

Edited by MangoMan
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+1 For this manz

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Decent Larper, with genuine passion to do good work for the server 

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+1, Solid Guy, Good In-game interactions

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+1 Nice Guy

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+1 A great guy who seems to take responsibility for his duties and position.

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Good interactions with him ingame.

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Great larper chill guy


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put this guy in coach

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i havent had any negative interactions with him

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+1  could use more time but overall a good application and a good RPer

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He has been working hard on the server and is new to command. He has shown a great amount of commitment and professionalism in his role as Chief of the Police Courts.  I think he will do great on the staff team and develop as he progresses. He has an aptitude to learn, tenacious, and will make a great addition to the Prometheus Staff Team. 

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+1 Great larper

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