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Jimmy Barlovo Char PK Appeal

S Compton

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Character's name & rank: Jimmy Barlovo, Feldwebel

SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:0:98631715

Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Coffee

Explain why you were PK'd: 

I was told I was NHC Pked by the interior minister for calling him names 5-7 days prior, When I logged on today I was taken into a cell and shot without any real proper RP. Hell a trial would have been nice.

Why should you be un-PK'd?:

Well, as the character is an upstart, and considering they were killed off without any real reason or proper RP, I believe they should be allowed to live. From how things like this were handled in the past, I would expect situations like this to be handled differently. For example, the NSB could have kidnapped my character and forced him into being an informant under threat of death, or something more RP-creative, rather than simply killing off a character over a supposed verbal insult. A Perma-Kill should be a last resort, not a first response. As Whoreson has said himself, this RP isn’t just a "kill one another" simulator—it’s about the stories created, the rivalries formed, and the tension between characters that help drive the server’s roleplay and foster an engaging atmosphere.

End of the day all this Pk has done is restarted a character that in my eyes and hopefully in the eyes of the reviewer shouldn't result in death being the first and foremost action taken against the Character. There are many other routes that could have been taken to Pk this NCO or to have advanced the RP into a more interesting direction and I would like to have the chance to see it advanced!

Additional Information: 

I also know its not the wisest to insult a NHC member who was melting down like a child in the street, and I know the rules are not absolute but here's the ones that I feel back me up in this case.

You may not kill someone or escalate a confrontation to murder just for verbal disrespect/argument. If someone continues to disrespect you, you may physically intimidate or hit them (Fists, melee weapon) as continued disrespect could realistically start a fight. The player then has free choice on how to respond/retaliate. If they choose to flee, you may not kill them.

  1. Not using PKs as a LAST resort.

  2. Attempt to resolve the matter using other means which don't involve PKing first, unless it is deemed impossible, and agreed upon by the approving staff member.

  3. The punishment must fit the crime. You cannot sentence someone to death for minor offenses; ie. not saluting [PK]
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Also Not sure if this is right, while attempting to carry out the PK the first time the interior minister died along with some of his men, Not sure if thats the real reason i was being taken because prior I was trying to stop them from kidnapping prime, but if they were taking me to carry out this Pk and a soldier saw us getting taken and killed the Interior minister I think this means he died trying to carry out a PK!


Edited by S Compton
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Hello Jimmy I was the staff member who approved this PK.

This PK was approved five days ago, when in front of the entire Ministry of Interior and Military during a confrontation you were openly criticizing the Minister of Interior.

You were saying to him that he was an "incompetent dog" and "A Failure of a Minister" as a random Unteroffizier in the Heer.

Which as you even stated in your appeal was not the wisest move and for moves like that you can face consequences such as getting PK'd.

You also stated that you would shoot his NSB chief which solidifies that this was more than enough grounds for a PK.

The PK guideline you were PK'd under for this situation was Government PK Criteria #2 "On the orders of Feldmarschall, Innenminister, Prime Minister, Konsul, President, Prinzregent, Kaiser [PK]".

Also the clip you provided had nothing to do with the PK and that was not the reason you were being taken by them in that situation.

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Hmm strange part is I never threatened his NSB chief, Nor did I call him a dog, I did say that he had failed to run every ministry that he has touched though! But even with this there was in my eyes no attempt past the Pk to rectify the situation. As the rules state as well a PK is a Last Resort!

He could have instead:

- Taken me to trial

- Forced me into signing and Informant agreement

- Threatened me with Dirt

Or one of the many other things that should have been attempted before a PK was carried out. Also if I am correct NHC Pks of which still requires also proper permission for approval, the rules that I quoted from the PK list also supersede the rules you have posted as they are restrictions to all forms of Pks if I am correct. If not well sorry I am not the best reader most the time.

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You claim that you never threatened the NSB chief but another member of Upper Administartion confirmed with me that you did and so did the Interior Minister but that was not even the reason why this PK was approved in the first place.

You also say that "the rules that I quoted from the PK list also supersede the rules you have posted" so I'll go through the rules you listed and provide an explaination as to why you're incorrect.

Firstly last resort, not every single PK has to be a last resort because context is always important for PK situations.

Especially when the context of the situation is that you, a random Unteroffizier in the Heer, infront of the Entire Military and MOI, called the Interior Minister a "Incompetent dog" and "A Failure of a Minister".

The second guideline you listed "Attempt to resolve the matter using other means which don't involve PKing first, unless it is deemed impossible, and agreed upon by the approving staff member."

I'll make it clear that you're not entitled to a court trial or some sort of deep interrogation by the NSB before getting PK'd.

I reviewed the PK request and determined that you deserved to be PK'd for what you did.

Then the last guideline you listed "The punishment must fit the crime. You cannot sentence someone to death for minor offenses; ie. not saluting [PK]"

This PK guideline only applies for court trials, for example a Richter cannot sentence someone to death for Jaywalking, not saluting someone or just something that is a really minor offence.

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Well there is no use in arguing further, Its up to the adjudicator of this appeal to make the decision, I Listed why the rules apply in this instance and I still firmly believe that a PK was not the result any party should have allowed end of the day.

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The reasons Coffee listed, with the rules in mind, are justified. You know better than to directly insult in public a member of National High Command. Just because you are a lower rank doesn't grant you better rights. It's pretty clear what was going to occur, and he murdered you, end of story. Next time, learn to stop playing 1-dimensional characters where you act as the same person (aka Hanswolf Pieper) and learn role-play instead of rule-playing. 


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