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Hanswolf Peiper Pk Appeal

S Compton

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Character's name & rank: Hanswolf Peiper, Minister

SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:0:98631715

Staff member who issued the PK (if you know):  Hound

Explain why you were PK'd: I was Pked for shooting a Staff member who was playing and enlisted guy while swinging around the dead feldmarshals body, Genuinely thought they were a minge!

Why should you be un-PK'd?: 

The charecter died in a anti climatic way and a couple days later the situation that lead to the Pk resulted in the Feldmarshal just being revived, Plus it might be a fun little event to bring back piper for a bit and have him start from the bottom and get to the top again or die trying. I want to try to do something different and more fun with the character this time around but it would require the old Char to do it!

Additional Information: 

The main thing I request is if its possible I think it would be amazing and funny as hell to have him be brought back to life for a federal council meeting or warplanning meeting thus creating the circle advancing the Joke and then from there I can be told that I was replaced and told to find a new place for myself in Germany ect.

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