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Layout change for official discords


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Description of the idea: Replace Opening channels with Advertisement channels

Why should this be added?: Most people struggle to advertise their services or small businesses. This new feature will allow individuals to promote their services or functions while also being able to advertise their openings. Most people are likely to say, "Well, you can advertise anything you want in-game!" While that is true, far more people will see and notice your advertisement through Discord than in-game advertisements. Discord advertisements will also be more convenient since people can easily DM you and discuss there.

What negatives could this have?: I couldn't think of any significant negatives besides people advertising inappropriate services. An easy solution to that could be limiting the Advertisement Key to people who genuinely need it; the role could be easily revoked if misused.

Additional information:
Saul von Greatman law firm is now open! DM me to get your very own private attorney for affordable prices!
The Kontinental hotel is now open! DM me to get your very own room
Selling gun licenses; Send 1,500 DM to bank account 128191, then DM me to get your license.

Conclusion: These are just a couple of examples I could think of, but there is plenty of room for creativity, and individuals can still advertise their openings at the same time!

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I will make an advertisement channel in the GPA discord for advertisements for business if this is agreed upon by more business owners.


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Would love to see more recognition for our servers' business LARPers.


K.A.G Leader

Edited by Virwëtztut
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Finch Corleone here, and I approve this, would absolutely love this to be added, would really help with the Corleone Buisness!


Proud owner of the Corleone Hotel

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Honestly, a channel in the Community Discord would be pretty good as well (just like we had on Revenant, and I think they have on Diverge). It could be made a ticket system just like the support tickets that instead post to a new channel to advertise god knows what. Side note, there should be a channel in the main discord that posts all threads that are posted to the forums...

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openings are literally a channel for advertisements

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I was told its specifically for job openings.

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  • 1 month later...


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+1 easy

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 5/1/2024 at 7:27 PM, Jack said:

Description of the idea: Replace Opening channels with Advertisement channels

Why should this be added?: Most people struggle to advertise their services or small businesses. This new feature will allow individuals to promote their services or functions while also being able to advertise their openings. Most people are likely to say, "Well, you can advertise anything you want in-game!" While that is true, far more people will see and notice your advertisement through Discord than in-game advertisements. Discord advertisements will also be more convenient since people can easily DM you and discuss there.

What negatives could this have?: I couldn't think of any significant negatives besides people advertising inappropriate services. An easy solution to that could be limiting the Advertisement Key to people who genuinely need it; the role could be easily revoked if misused.

Additional information:
Saul von Greatman law firm is now open! DM me to get your very own private attorney for affordable prices!
The Kontinental hotel is now open! DM me to get your very own room
Selling gun licenses; Send 1,500 DM to bank account 128191, then DM me to get your license.

Conclusion: These are just a couple of examples I could think of, but there is plenty of room for creativity, and individuals can still advertise their openings at the same time!

Yeah sick idea

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Hi Jack, 

Yeah, this would be super good. I would love to see it implemented and used.


- Sinex

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've seen some servers integrate adverts into their different discord servers. For example like a community discord and an advert for major events hosted by players would be posted there. If something like that could be done here I see this being a harmless addition if done in moderation. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

just ask the people who are in charge of the factions or discords to do this

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