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Suggestion: Allow GO's to apply for trusted


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Description of the idea: The idea is straightforward, Allow General Ranking Officers the ability to apply for trusted perms.

Why should this be added?:  I believe this should be added for a couple of reasons. Reason number one is Making it to General is no easy feat and it usually means NHC trust you enough with a powerful position, therefore allowing generals to whitelist people to their own faction is a big help. The Second reason is Allowing them to become trusted lifts some weight off of staff backs from taking 999 Promotion/Whitelist/playermodel changes off of them and allowing them to deal with rule breakers.

What negatives could this have?: Of course granting these powers will have some negatives ; generals abusing these perms or being removed from general and still having these perms

Additional information: N/A

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-1 everyone(under certain requirements) has the ability to apply for trusted including Generals.


Edited by Helsing
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Your already a moderator, what do you need the trusted for?

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-1 Being trusted is only for members of the Whoreson friend group, you should know this.

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Anybody can apply for trusted.

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