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Jack's Staff Application


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Steam Name: Jack

SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:644417059

Discord Username/ID: jvxvck

Timezone: Eastern Standard Time

Age: 16

Time Played (check with !time): 1mo 1d 19h 29m Before the wipe, 4d 14h 58m now

Your current rank(User/Donator/Trusted): Trusted

Do you have a mic & will you use it?: Yes and yes

Are you consistently active on the forums and server?: Yes and yes

Did anyone from the Recruitment Team assist you in making your application?: @ItIsÀris

Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify): @Doofles, @ItIsÀris,  @Helsing@alexjones@Perchance,@Bowlpack,@mewing, @CheekiThorax @theepicbenster@Solomons

Basic Information Section

IC Character names, ranks, and brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format:

Character info:

Bataillonsleiter Jack Hartmann: A Senior Officer within the Deutsches Volkswachter, the most elite unit of the White Rose Party. He is tasked with protecting the party’s core interests, VIPs, and properties. He is always recruiting new people and hosting training sessions. Former Chief of the Deutsches Rotes Kreuz.

Staatssekretär Jack Hermengild: A Commissioned Officer in the Regierung's Ministry of Procurement. He sells weapons on the daily and is also capable of selling weapon licenses as he is the Chef des Büro für Sicherheit von Kampfausrüstung. Former Chief of a guarding detachment within the Kaisergarde.

Oberstleutnant Jadd Ismail: A Senior Officer in the Kriegsmacht Administrative Headquarters Office, He overseers the rosters and organization of every department in the Military. He enjoys handling document processing and is responsible for approving or denying transfer papers within the Military. His job doesn't require him to enter the city or command men, he usually just sits in a office and fills out paperwork.

How long have you been roleplaying?:  Two years throughout different communities.

Have you received any infractions i.e Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time?: RDM/LTAP; shot two dudes for trespassing and left the server, 4 months ago. I learned to give people 10 second warnings before shooting them. Got banned for NITRP 8 months ago I don't really remember why, I was a new player who didn't care about the server at the time just being a moron.

Staff Knowledge Section

What previous experience so you have as a staff member either within Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode?: Former moderator on Superior Servers CWRP.

 Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team?[300 words or more]:
I've spent a lot of time on the server, which gave me a good understanding of the rules and taught me how to become more confident in leading roleplay scenarios. I also have over 3,800+ hours on overall Garry's Mod. Within this time; I have played various different roleplay servers, gaining valuable insights into Community dynamics and basic Server Staffing. I have a good understanding of the Server rules, Global rules and Character guidelines. I always have Medal open; ready to report significant rule-breakers, making me staff would grant me the permission to effectively enforce rules and ensure a positive non-biased environment for all players. Besides banning and noting people; I will actively take tickets throughout the day, making sure I reach the quota.
Being former staff on a severely toxic server has taught me a lot about communication, conflict resolution and problem solving, I am able to navigate complex situations and diffuse tensions effectively while conducting a fair, non-biased solution for both parties. Transferring over from a darker community to a more organized community will not be complicated for me, considering the fact I have dealt with the worst of the worst.
I have been trying to build a stronger community presence in addition to spending more time on the server. I will focus on maintaining a consistent presence on the server. You can expect to see my daily, whether I'm actively roleplaying or fulfilling my duties as a moderator. I usually hop on throughout the week in the late morning and keep playing on and off till prime time, whenever people are making the most amount of tickets, I will help out as much as I can. Then I usually stay on late till minge hours; whenever things start slowing down and staff start going to bed, unsupervised minges will get out of hand and someone will need to put a stop to things if they get too extreme.

What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words? [150 Words or more]: Your job as a moderator requires you to help out factions with promotions, demotions or new recruits. Moderators also have the ability to process civilian pks within the guidelines and should always utilize that feature under approval. Moderators are also supposed to help out new players/civilians who need general help or just have simple questions; ensuring their concerns are handled, helping out new players can make the server a more enjoyable experience for them and can keep them on the server longer, the more players on the server means the higher up Prometheus is on the Garry's mod server list, attracting more people to join. Low ranking people and new players build up the server and that's why Moderators should always be helping them out. We can all agree that a server with JUST high ranking people and National High command is not as enjoyable. While high ranking people and NHC construct roleplay, they have Upper Administration ensuring their concerns are handled. A good moderator should usually go into cloak and noclip around the map making sure no rules are being broken in secret, all while managing incoming tickets efficiently.  Moderators need to also maintain a good OOC reputation, demonstrating a civil, respectful and polite personality while taking tickets.

Edited by Jack
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Well written application

Had good interractions with you. except for you firing me JK.


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Great guy and great app. Good luck buddy +1

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+1 Nice app, Good luck!

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+1 great guy reached out for help, good luck!

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Great application, well-known and a great person. Good luck

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A very active member of the community, I can also see that he’s very friendly as we have 57 mutual friends on discord 😅

Genuinely nothing bad to say, only had good experiences :]

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hes the goat from the start

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He worked with this fella in two different factions and genuinely cares about the community and whichever factions he's in.

Edited by Vale
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+1 btw if all your characters get pked will you do a competition called "the jack-off" to see which one of the jacks gets unpked?

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+1 I've interacted with you before and only have good things to say.

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+1, he reached out to me and showed professionalism and a level of maturity. 

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+1 funny guy to rp with, funniest moment was when u tried to run and drive away from NSB 

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+1 Good roleplayer, good person, can very much be trusted 

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+1 good man

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good luck!

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+1 Good lad

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