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Civilian Roleplay Ideas

jamal babatunde

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Description of the idea: Im generally new to the server and community and i have noticed that there is a lack of civilian roleplay and things to do as a civilian. Here are some of my ideas that can make the civilian life more enjoyable for the average player and some things that can also encourage players to take part in civilian roleplay.

Bus Driver
The Bus Driver would be able to purchase a small-medium sized bus (not one of those massive busses for obvious reasons) from the commercial car dealer and charge people to drive them around town, this would be a fun job for a lot of people and could be a very enjoyable roleplay experience for both the driver and customer. This will also be a way for new players to learn the map.

Tow Truck Driver
The Tow Truck Driver would be ab le to purchase a tow truck from the commercial car dealer and charge towing peoples cars. The Tow Truck Driver could either work for the government and move peoples cars who are parked illegally, creating more roleplay for the police as well as they can impound cars and charge the vehicle owner to get it back. The Tow Truck Driver also can obviously work for non state employees by helping people get their cars unstuck, or help a customer in any way even possibly in illegal ways(stealing cars, etc).

Delivery Driver
The Delivery Driver would work for themselves and work with a npc and pick up packages and drop them off at a specific location. The driver could use any car they want from a commercial truck to a expensive luxury sedan. There is a gmod store addon or obviously you can create it in house. This would be another great way for civilians to make money. This will also be a way for new players to learn the map.

Wine Maker
The Winemaking System would be a good addition for both civilian roleplay and both industrial roleplay. From civilians being able to become a entrepreneur to grow, make and sell their own wine to large businesses being able to do the same. There are a couple very cool and modern systems out there and i think it would be a very interesting idea to look into. 

A suggestion has already been made and accepted but I just want to put it out there of how important this would be for civilians, and both law enforcement.

Why should this be added?: These should be added because I believe there is a lack of things to do that the server puts out their for civilians. Apart from fishing there is not many starter things that a player can do. There only choice is fishing to make money or get a job working for a business. There should be some more options out there for players new and old. 

What negatives could this have?: I personally only see the negatives of time and money being spent on putting some of these ideas into place. 

Additional information: Just giving my input and some ideas that I think would be a good addition into civilian roleplay, thank you for reading.

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11 hours ago, jamal babatunde said:

Bus Driver
The Bus Driver would be able to purchase a small-medium sized bus (not one of those massive busses for obvious reasons) from the commercial car dealer and charge people to drive them around town, this would be a fun job for a lot of people and could be a very enjoyable roleplay experience for both the driver and customer. This will also be a way for new players to learn the map.

This idea could already work, we have some vehicles similar to busses that could fit a good amount of people. All you need to do is fish a bit, buy it and then start charging people to ride.

11 hours ago, jamal babatunde said:

Tow Truck Driver
The Tow Truck Driver would be ab le to purchase a tow truck from the commercial car dealer and charge towing peoples cars. The Tow Truck Driver could either work for the government and move peoples cars who are parked illegally, creating more roleplay for the police as well as they can impound cars and charge the vehicle owner to get it back. The Tow Truck Driver also can obviously work for non state employees by helping people get their cars unstuck, or help a customer in any way even possibly in illegal ways(stealing cars, etc).

The Landespolizei already does this, I don't think berlin needs civilians fucking around with tow trucks towing everyone's cars.

11 hours ago, jamal babatunde said:

Delivery Driver
The Delivery Driver would work for themselves and work with a npc and pick up packages and drop them off at a specific location. The driver could use any car they want from a commercial truck to a expensive luxury sedan. There is a gmod store addon or obviously you can create it in house. This would be another great way for civilians to make money. This will also be a way for new players to learn the map.

We already have a whole system and faction for this, it just needs to be coded in again, if we decide to bring it back.

11 hours ago, jamal babatunde said:

Wine Maker
The Winemaking System would be a good addition for both civilian roleplay and both industrial roleplay. From civilians being able to become a entrepreneur to grow, make and sell their own wine to large businesses being able to do the same. There are a couple very cool and modern systems out there and i think it would be a very interesting idea to look into. 

This one is easy to accomplish with just a little fishing, you rent a property, get your K.A.G ID and business established from a member of K.A.G staff and then you reach out to Upper Administration using our ticket support system to get a free vendor including all foods and drinks.

11 hours ago, jamal babatunde said:

A suggestion has already been made and accepted but I just want to put it out there of how important this would be for civilians, and both law enforcement.

Why should this be added?: These should be added because I believe there is a lack of things to do that the server puts out their for civilians. Apart from fishing there is not many starter things that a player can do. There only choice is fishing to make money or get a job working for a business. There should be some more options out there for players new and old.

Drugs will be brought back eventually, just be patient.


Edited by Jack
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Good ideas, I like the wine-making one. Something kinda like moonshiner job on darkrp would be fun.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree that the Civs need more things to do. 

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I couldn’t agree more that they’re definitely needs to be more role-play and things to do with civilians/as them but they would have to be something that civilians would actually want to do and enjoy. I feel like delivery driver where they would deliver supplies from one place would be cool along with a bus driver.

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  • 2 weeks later...


More civilian RP

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I like these ideas, I have +I'd- however I think it should be up to Whoreson and accompanying scripters and modellers to decide whether it would be viable and if it would benefit the server. Unfortunately some entities, if not used often can lead to lag and server performance issues, so if Civs wouldn't actively use some of these then I don't see it benefiting the server to a degree.

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Hi Jamal 

A sound idea and a good suggestion. I really would like to see more options and opportunities for civilians to RP.


- Sinex

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  • 2 weeks later...


Drugs and other jobs for more civ rp would be a hell of a lot better for some people who dont wanna do military or government role play

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Neutral.....Jack said it pretty well in his reply. I think civilian RP should be tied closer to KAG and whatever business the player decides to open. I've played the generic jobs when they were available and to be honest they were pretty boring as it didn't allow much interaction with other players.

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  • 2 weeks later...



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Jack's response to this suggestion is a perfect response which summarises everything.

More civilian RP, things to do as a civilian and civilian Jobs will be added soon in the next few updates.

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