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Bal's Staff Application


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Introduction Information Section
Steam Name: BAL.

SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:485866

Discord Username/ID: ba1mung. & 720311403835162655

Timezone:  Greenwich Mean Time

Age: 21

Time Played (check with !time): 1w 14h 50m

Your current rank(User/Donator/Trusted): Trusted

Do you have a mic & will you use it?: I do have a microphone and will use it.

Are you consistently active on the forums and server?: I am active on both the forums and the server.

Did anyone from the Recruitment Team assist you in making your application?: @Saito

Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify): @valyy, @Saito , @Lord Doggo the 1st, @Aurelius of Phoenix, @Jack

Basic Information Section
IC Character names, ranks, and brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format:
1. Rittoffizier Gunter Nagumo: The current Stellvertreter Kommandeur des Kaisergarde, holding the rank of Rittoffizier. His duties are integral to the continued function of the Kaisergarde, overseeing the command staff, reviewing progress and making sure the faction is in a continued perfect state. On an everyday basis, Gunter Nagumo sets out a task list for his command staff, having them host certification training, parades and recruitment drives. He oversees this on a daily, ensuring everyone is where they're supposed to be, doing what they're supposed to be doing.

2. Hauptmann Hansel Stark: A current asset to both Militarischer Geheimdienst and Wehrdienstgerichte, Hansel Stark serves within MGD: AMT-B and AMT I, 1st Chamber at the rank of Hauptmann. His duties on the Militarischer Geheimdienst side include various forms of intelligence gathering, analyzation and classification within a 'classified' atmosphere, whilst his duties as a Richter within the Wehrdienstgerichte have him presiding over Military Courts, reviewing warrant requests and signing lawful orders. On an everyday basis, Hansel Stark will compile gathered information, classify it based on its severity alongside preside over any trials within the backlogs.

How long have you been roleplaying?: I have been roleplaying on and off from various platforms for 9 years now.

Have you received any infractions i.e Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time?: N/A

Staff Knowledge Section
What previous experience do you have as a staff member either within Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode?:
I've been staffed on many different styles of Garry's Mod server, going all the way from DarkRP to MilitaryRP. Gathering a lot of experience and simply learning how to perform well as a member of staff. I have also been staff for a few Nutscript Gamemodes, such as HL2RP & FalloutRP

Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team?[300 words or more]: During my time at Prometheus, I have been quite dedicated and active in the community. I originally joined after stumbling across a capit0l video on my YouTube suggested, I joined up and instantly thought it would be filled with very 'interesting' people, but I was completely blindsided by the sheer amount of enjoyment I had on the first day. The minute I walked out of the subway station, I was instantly bombarded with people trying to recruit me and what not. It changed my perspective of how I could take the server more seriously. I feel like, after that first day, I have dedicated a majority of the time I have free to immerse myself in the sheer amount of political dramas that unfold on the server. Due to my sheer enjoyment of this server, I want to assist in making it a better, more minge-free place for people to roleplay and enjoy their time on the server. I believe I am consistent with what could be considered a valuable member of the staff team due to my previous experience, my willingness to expand my knowledge, and my sheer determination to do my best on the job. My timezone allows me to be on in the early 'downtimes' of the server, catching out that very annoying group of minges that like to wreak havoc when no staff are online, alongside being on when prime time hits, being able to handle the masses of players flowing into the server. I am also not somebody who would choose to roleplay over doing their job as a member of staff if there was a need for a staff member to be online, I believe with my continued community activity, staffing experience and overall desire to help the community as much as possible, I fit the criteria needed to be a good choice for the staff team. During the past weeks of playing on this server, I have enjoyed both the roleplay and out-of-character parts of the community and wish to 'give back' in a sense, offering my help and determination to make this community a healthier and safer place for everyone to enjoy.

What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words? [150 Words or more]: In my personal experience, I have witnessed that the duties and responsibilities of a member of moderation are one of a 'leader', somebody who should be an example to the community, guiding players in the right direction, nurturing a non-toxic, enjoyable atmosphere for the community whilst also handling the occasional rule-breaking minge, or reviewing the clip of somebody LTAP'ing. The responsibilities of a moderator can be akin to an 'intern' in a way, learning the ropes, watching senior members of staff and following in their example. Being a moderator means you are granted the opportunity to prove that you are worthy to move up the ranks and gain more responsibility and duties. Being able to handle a tense situation, review a clip with a completely unbiased view even if the report is against a friend, and whitelisting new players into their first faction are all part of the duties of a moderator. Another responsibility of a moderator is to be well-versed in the rules of the community, though that is a given.


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+1 My Brother So Smart He Should Be Staff!!! - Leon Nagumo

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I can see him taking the role of a Staff member handling tickets quite well

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nice fellow

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Great guy

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+1 good looking app

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pretty cool guy 👍

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Confirming my recommendation


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as much as i hate to agree with the furry above me this guy has the experience + knowhow to be a good staff member, esp w/ saito training him


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Written like a published book, well done I almost relived my first time joining Prometheus when reading over your bit about seeing a capit0l video.

Haven't interacted with you much besides OOC but this application is glowingly positive.

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+1 Just because of your goofy cat profile picture.

Edited by Da Epic Goose
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+1 Great guy, seems responsible and competent, Good luck!

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+1 my only interaction with him was buying him a donut roll in character and that's good enough to say he should be staff.

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Better than the other application.

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