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dawg's Staff Application


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Introduction Information Section
Steam Name:




Discord Username/ID:






Time Played (check with !time):

 1w 7h 16m

Your current rank(User/Donator/Trusted):


Do you have a mic & will you use it?:


Are you consistently active on the forums and server?:


Did anyone from the Recruitment Team assist you in making your application?:


Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify):

Beach, Lord Doggo, Bal

Basic Information Section
IC Character names, ranks, and brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format:

As Polizeiuntermeister Damo Watkins, I am under the organisation known as ForAmt. I work within the Sicherheitsgruppe-771 of advanced Science often researching entities and strange anomalies that pose a threat towards the Kaiser and citizens of berlin and their safety, I also protect the Scientists and make sure that they are able to safely carry out their research without threat of death or harm. At times i am also useful as security and a protectant for and under the orders of the Interior Minister, also guaranteeing him safety whilst chauffering him around.

As NSB-Oberpolizeiinspektor Klaus Krugerstein, I am responsible for the investigation and apprehension of all criminals in the Empire. The GSD since I have joined has gone along way to improve and become a formidable office that can interpret threats to Interior Ministry. I was most active under Guther Manheinz's regime (R.I.P) where I was a Sektion chief for a bit leading Section A in the investigation into Military personnel including the opposing MGD. I still get on this character every now and then to help recruits and train people who have no clue how to do document work.

How long have you been roleplaying?:

4 Years

Have you received any infractions i.e Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time?:


Staff Knowledge Section
What previous experience so you have as a staff member either within Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode?

I previously modded on a DarkRP server, however i never really was too active for the job at the time due ot schooling.

Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team?[300 words or more]: 

I've been active on Prometheus since I joined , and I have met a lot of staff members and players throughout that amount of time. I enjoy helping out whenever and wherever I can, whether it's by explaining the rules to people who are unaware or simply providing direction to prevent players from getting into trouble. I've noticed that I frequently log on late at night, when there aren't many staff present. Even in quieter times, I'd be happy to cover those hours to make sure the rules are followed. My loyalty to being online during these off-peak hours can ensure the rules are upheld for all people at all hours regardless the time of day. I truly care about Prometheus and its members. I get along well with everyone, and my clean record—no citations or expulsions—indicates that I strictly adhere to the rules. Because of my devotion and constant presence on the server, I believe I have what it takes to be an excellent employee. My energy for Prometheus spurs me to contribute emphatically and reliably. I have resolved to improve Prometheus in any way I can. Because staff were absent, I've witnessed instances in which players broke rules like Mass RDM, minge, and VDM without being penalized. Due to my experience and active presence, I feel well-prepared to handle these circumstances quickly and fairly. Additionally, since I am a VIP, I have access to my physgun, which provides me with an additional tool for managing issues outside of staff powers. I'm also excited to learn and get used to the Prometheus staff system, which is different from what I've used in the past. I am looking forward towards working with other staff members and being a contributing member in the Staff team. My objective is and will continue to be to provide community support and encouragement, guarantee a positive gaming experience for all players, and uphold the high standards expected at Prometheus Networks.

What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words? [150 Words or more]:

 I will ensure all rule-breakers and troublemakers are dealt with effectively and quickly to prevent problems within RP while also making sure tickets are responded to without a second wasted. If I see someone break the rules, I'll make sure that I handle the situation with the utmost respect and professionalism towards players and come to a reasonable solution following the appropriate guidelines. I will constantly learn from my superiors' techniques and ensure to apply them myself. I understand that I have a duty to be active and take things seriously when it comes to these rule-breakers, and I must and will do whatever I can to ensure that Prometheus is a serious roleplay environment. I will also handle my job with maturity, not abusing my powers nor taking things personally and holding grudges. I understand that my staff character and in-game character are separate, and that things involving RP are not to be associated with my staff character. With this being said, I also understand I'm not to abuse my staff permissions no matter the circumstances. I will be in contact with my fellow staff members and be active both as a staff member and a player on the server. I have been apprised of my responsibilities and the quota that I have to meet; in fact, I am already set and determined to accomplish it. I appreciate how crucially vital my role is for our RP. With a clear-cut understanding of what should be done, I will address each given task with devotion and precision. You can bet on me doing my job right and maintaining high standards so that all people who are concerned will be satisfied.

Edited by dawg
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Good guy can learn.

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Trustworthy and reliable 

Edited by Cyptic_GD
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+1 😊

  • Chad 1
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Good lad, open minded and would be fit for the job.

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Yeah I thinks he's able to do the job well enough.

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+1 Trustworthy can learn and reliable

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plus 1 go klaus krugerstien hamburg 

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  • dawg changed the title to dawg's Staff Application


Some of your characters I have not seen in a long while, I believe you could do well with a bit more of experience OOCly and ICly.

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+1 he is a G actually +2 because hes so good so awesome

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Neutral. Never heard of you or seen you in game, good application though. Good luck!

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Good application, however I feel it is lacking in some places.  By your write up sounds as though you could have more involvement also.

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I've never seen or met any of your characters.

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  • Chad 1
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