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Groove Trusted App


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Steam Name: Groove

SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:104967523

Discord Username/ID: groove4545

Are you VIP?: Yes

Time Played 4d 10h

Characters Name & Rank, and a brief explanation of their duties: 

Gerhardt Hellmann, Minister of Truth, in this role I act as the head of the Government's propaganda wing issuing proclamations to the nation regarding important affairs of the nation. 

Markus Black von Saxe, Lieutenant in the war courts, acting as an honorable judge for the war courts.

James Hancock, Matrose in the Navy

What will you use the trusted rank for?: I will use my Trusted rank to recruit people into the Ministry of Truth and to promote/demote people within my Ministry.

Staff Recommendations: Saito, Aureliusofphoenix, Perchance, and Da Epic Goose.

Edited by Groove
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got me into this server and taught me how to play it properly, +1

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