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I wish to be UnPked


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Character's name & rank: Chen Kutagari: Berlin Civilian



Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Navarov

Explain why you were PK'd: I hopped the fence into the military base and quickly got arrested by a few officers, i did not talk to them and they called staff to get me Pk'd under rule 13, which there was no lewd roleplay involved.

Why should you be un-PK'd?:  I should be un Pk'd because this is a completely irresponsible PK

Additional Information: none

Edited by Rhisado
  • Devastated 1
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The number you provided is your community ID, not your steam ID. 

Your steam ID is STEAM_0:1:766765720. You were pk'ed by Navarov.

  • KEKW 1
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13. Ordered to be executed by a General Officer [PK]

in this case you where derived to Generalmajor Norman D. Baker from feld where he ordered you to be executed

for more information refeer here: https://wiki.prn.gg/wiki/PK_Guidelines

  • Chad 1
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Hi Rhisada 

Fairly confident you've not said everything. When a PK gets approved providing it has extensive evidence to give longevity to it, it normally means it's going to stick. 
What have you missed out in telling us?

- Sinex

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I see no valid reason for you to be PKd. You have been unPKd

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