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Staff Application


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Introduction Information Section
Steam Name: LordVague

SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:101517915

Discord Username/ID: lordvague

Timezone: CST

Age: 23

Time Played (check with !time):  1w 5d 8h 57m

Your current rank(User/Donator/Trusted): Donator

Do you have a mic & will you use it?: Yes

Are you consistently active on the forums and server?: Very much so.

Did anyone from the Recruitment Team assist you in making your application?: No.

Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify): Bowlpack

Basic Information Section
IC Character names, ranks, and brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format:

Generalmajor Norman D. Baker : Norman Baker is the chief of the Military Intelligence service with a rich history in conducting espionage. He has managed to climb through the ranks after officer academy in the Kriegsschule. He spends his time conducting operations pertunant to the success of the Military's war effort and is a dedicated loyal soldier. The vast majority of his agents are willing to die for the cause of the German Empire and will use any means nessasary to complete the objectives given to them, as they hold a great deal of loyalty to him!


Unteroffizier Amon B. Douhlen : Amon is a simple man who felt compeled to join the Royal Kaisergarde after his father whom was a General passed away. He aspires to one day become an officer but at the NCO rank of Unteroffizier he applies all of his leadership skills to building and properly conducting his duties as a member of the guard. He spends alot of off hours at night fishing at the Berlin pond in hopes of selling enough fish to one day buy a fancy car. 


DRK-President Odilo D. Mannheimer : Dr. Mannheimer was a man who went to the innenministry officer academy in hopes of achieving his own department. Whilst in officer school he began a dual degree in Medicine. With there being a void of propper health regulations in Germany he applied to open the German Red Cross. The interior minister of the time accepted this offer and gave him full authority to build a strong DRK. After building the DRK from the ground up, Odilo began to fill accomplished and decided to retire. He now resides on the beaches of Argentina with a wife and two kids. 


How long have you been roleplaying?:

I have been roleplaying since I was like 8, I started with DnD doing the 3e campaigns and homebrews with my friends. I grew a bit of an attatchment to making characters and experiancing other worlds. Whenever I dove into these worlds everytime I gained a new perspective on things that I can apply to my real life. Decision making, Honorable choices, bad choices etc, So I have roleplayed for a long time now. Since 2020 is when I really started LARPing on GMOD. Ive only ever larped 1942 RP, the political sim and intelligence is what has drawn me in, and the ability to shape history or now in this case being apart of building a government and molding it as it flows, without being hindered to the realitys of actual history.


Have you received any infractions i.e Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time?: 

Bans: I have had a ban as everyone is aware of, I made a stupid desicion and have learnt alot from that, I quite literally only care about larping and helping the community.

Notes: Not aware of any current or recent notes, im pretty good about following IC rules and have a pretty good grasp on the primary rules of the server.

Staff Knowledge Section
What previous experience so you have as a staff member either within Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode? 

I was a staff member for roughly 5 months here on Prometheus back in 2023. And I do have alot of experiance with Nutscript now as well!

Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team?[300 words or more]:

I am just a very active player and I enjoy larping with this community. I believe its important to bring on staff members who understand the LARP and the story and the details that make this 1940 RP different from the rest; and I fully understand the lore and backgrounds of all of the characters that have led to this world being setup! Being able to look at things from a staff point of view and assisting people within this community is pretty fun to get involved with. Most people I meet tend to enjoy speaking with me and I carry myself very respectfully. I don't make rash judgements but I can be vocal when someone makes and error. I prefer to instruct someone after they break a rule rather than just punish without cause, now of course thats not to say that someone in that situation won't receive any reprucutions, its just to say that I see these situations to end up being more of a learning situation. Not only that but like I said I am super active right now and intend on being for the forseable future. In my time previously as a mod I was able to reach my quota every single time and even go above and beyond. While I am not perfect and have made some  bad judgement calls in the past, I have learned from this and I want to help this community grow and succeed. I would like to be a part of assisting players with PK questions, and general rule questions and being able to assist someone when a bad faith minge trys to ruin the fun of LARP, which of course you always get a few spread out here and there. But I believe my experiance with moderating and talking to people is a needed thing for this community. 

What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words? [150 Words or more]:

The duties of being a staff member includes the abilities to be fair, respectful and active. I am a very fair person with my decision making and will hear peoples sides of stories out fairly. It is very important for a staff member to be able to judge when someone is being real and when someone is just messing around with the tickets system. As a staff member one also must be able to setaside character bias and soley focus on your staff duties without any bias and having larped for a long time; I do not really grow attatched to my characters. Along with this being active is an important part of staffing being able to hop on and clear some tickets to help people out is a needed responsibility to have a thriving and engaging community. And on to my first point about fairness its important to look at every situation without an agenda and really look at the situation that needs resolving. 

Edited by LordVague
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Edited by pauljac3
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Vague, it's nothing personal. You're a good guy, but I don't feel staffing is the best option for you on Prometheus. 
Although you made a very apologetic and heartfelt apology following your permanent ban; you recently made a document calling for the sterilization of the disabled and mentally ill in the city. Which, in my opinion was highly disturbing to read as it echoed a lot of the same practices of real life fascists of the old era. 
(voided) Document

I don't believe you are presently equipped to moderate the RP in an unbiased manner to fit the new Imperial Germany theme at this time.

Edited by Helsing
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good fella

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Although things happen in life, its nothing people cant come back from, especially in Vague's, and even my, situation regarding the ban. Blud was a pretty good staff member, as I've worked with him for months back in 2023 when we both were staff on this server. Yes, he made a foolish decision to try and make a competing server and allow the things that occurred in said server, he is remorseful of these things, and I'd like to see him become part of the staff team again.

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Edited by trołł
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+1 give this man another shot!!

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Listen, I worked with you briefly in the military and while I feel you are a good guy I think some improvement that can be done in your RP before joining the staff team. 
I am in no way the best role-player but I think working a bit more on the quality of your roleplay could benefit you alot more. 
Good luck and I do look forward to seeing you in the server and what you get up to in the MGD.

Edited by Beach
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I’ve met and talked with your Norman D. Baker char before, and OOC you seem like a good bloke and funny guy. however as a staff member, you are expected to be an example for the community to follow, if the example you’re setting is the document you made that was voided, i most definitely doubt you’re ready to work within the staff team. 


Best of luck however and there’s always room for improvement. 

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I do personally feel like you deserve another chance.

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Just no. 

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Although i only know the bare details regarding the situation, i am aware that Vague had made some kind of mistake a couple months prior regarding another server and has recently returned from his ban.  Since his return ive gotten to play alongside Vague for some time and from my experience have nothing but positive things to say. He's always respectful and seems to take the larp seriously. I know he also has prior staff experience which is, in my eyes,  a big help regarding an application. As i said before i am not sure of the magnitude of what happened regarding his ban but i do believe in second chances if the person is remorseful and can use their past actions as a learning experience. Good luck!

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Oh hell naw

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remember that time you tried to bring me to prymont island yeah me to buddy-1 dont let this fucker back into prom

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You just only a few months ago came back give it some more time man -1 

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Though I think you are improving i don't know if you have quite spent enough time yet IMO i think another month would be better

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Actual neo-nazi

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-1 nik von der goetia level eugenics-RP

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You gotta show the Community that you've improved. It's too soon for you to join the Staff Team.

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Freakbob Lens by riley marrocco - Snapchat Lenses and Filters

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Freakybob meme | Freakbob / Freakybob | Know Your Meme

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3 hours ago, Perchance said:



Actual neo-nazi

Average Biden supporter.

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33 minutes ago, LordVague said:

Average Biden supporter.

"If you offended by a document you are the one who needs help, not me" - LordVague after posting a eugenics document

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I think you need to wait longer and prove yourself more

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