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PK Appeal


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Character's name & rank: Generalleutnant Norman D. Baker

SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:101517915

Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Prime, approved by Verax.

Explain why you were PK'd: Honestly unclear, I believe the guideline was Dirt, however Im not to sure as to why or how. There were a few loose ends I had not tied up and it could quite simply be a result of that, as with any intelligence position that tends to happen. However the person who killed me I had never even interacted with up until that point.

Why should you be un-PK'd?: I would like to be un-PK'd due to the fact that I did not know who killed me, and I was not informed the reason, it just kinda happened. I think at a time like this for the military they really need good leadership and I had recently begun to rebuild the Military in a way that actually had layers and depth to intelligence. 

Note: Its not a huge deal to me if this not accepted, but it would be cool to continue with the intel work I was doing.

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You were killed for various reasons. Quite simply as you've mentioned, there's some loose ends that the NSB knew about. In addition, the amount of people who have given evidence of you killing NSB Agents, authorizing raids and etc. We had several casefiles on you, including information from individual's that was close to you. In the end the people who you worked with so close was the ones that compiled enough for you to be executed. Yesturday's events was the final straw, and your participation in those events including the missions you assigned.

Overall, We've been aiming for this for a while. It was kept secret, and the people you tried to kill overall got you killed first.

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