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Colt1111 Staff Application


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Introduction Information Section

Steam Name: Colt1111

SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:0:764733129

Discord Username/ID: _colt1111

Timezone: EST

Age: 21

Time Played (check with !time): 1 week 3 days 1hr 41 mins

Your current rank(User/Donator/Trusted): User

Do you have a mic & will you use it?: Of course I will use my mic

Are you consistently active on the forums and server?: Yes I am active on the server

Did anyone from the Recruitment Team assist you in making your application?: Badspider

Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify): Badspider

Basic Information Section
IC Character names, ranks, and brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format: Obergefreiter Butch Von Fischer Butch is an MGD he goes undercover and works for the military.

How long have you been roleplaying?: 3 years including other servers just not this one

Have you received any infractions i.e Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time?: none

Staff Knowledge Section
What previous experience so you have as a staff member either within Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode?  yes Garry's Mod

Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team?[300 Words or more]: I believe I should be picked because I have been here for awhile and I get on early a lot and when I do I don't see as much staff on so I would love to be the one taking tickets in the morning, and I feel I can help them and assist I also like to show people where stuff is like the bank, how to join a faction and much more as I know a lot about that stuff as I do it even in IC but it would be much easier if I was able to do it as a staff member I like to help people who come to join and I love to see them grow in factions. I feel a lot of the staff team likes me I am a likable person among the RP. I would say im friends with generals of much and high rankings like Anton. The fact that Badspider likes me and has a pretty good opinion about me and he is also about the people as I am too but I honestly really wanting  to be is a helpful staff member like you guys. I also want to answer tickets when no staff members are on as I still love the RP experience. I also have time to help people in this server as I was confused when I first joined the staff were helpful and willing to help me and I want to do that by becoming a staff member. I feel that the staff has a good opinion about me seeing that I have no notes, bans, or kicks. I also feel that they think I will be safe with the powers of a staff member. As I decide to assist a lot of the people I will love to spend time in RP after im done with working I feel that both me and staff would think I would make a good staff member and helper in Prometheus Networks and would also love to learn new things about staff. If the staff team does have a good opinion about me then thank you. 

What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words? [150 Words or more]: I would be helping out with people of the server by helping them answer questions and help people promote, change factions, and change outfits. Along with the more serious things like PK's and Bans. I also want to help and get a lot of those minges out of here because it ruins the RP experience for others as they are only here to be annoying. I would also have to give people info on stuff like raiding bases or how PK's work and I would love to inform people on that. I see that a lot of staff members have also helped me with this is PK's and I want to learn more about them and carrying it on by informing others that have questions about it. I would be kicking characters . Along with adding the reason why the were banned. Same would go for the Gagging. As I would be gagging people who are not failRP with the gag on by speaking. I would deal with minges like anyone else would by simply warning them the first time unless they have RDM'ed someone. I deal with Minges when I get a ticket as I see them a lot and will love to get them out of our server as they ruin everyone's moral. A lot of people love RP and I want to ensure that they will stay and enjoy the server and keep minges away.

Edited by Colt1111
Messed up application forgot to do the rest
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Please follow the staff application template or this staff application will be denied.


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Mid app

Edited by Da Epic Goose
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Sorry about that guys took awhile to fix

But I fixed it

Sorry about that first part before the edit I just didn't see the last part


Edited by Colt1111
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new phone who dis? -1

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Even after you fixed your app I still have no clue who you are -1

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+ 1 
some of you may not know him IC but I do he is great with the new members to the community helping them find factions to join or simply how to collect a pay check. Follows the rules and has no bans or warns. 

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Spoke with him in-game and seems genuinely interested in learning and helping out. Good luck!

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Id like to see more community presence

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From what I heard not so good...

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Hey Pun if its fine what was told bad about me if I can know? I honestly just wanna know because I will fix my actions based on what I did. 

Hey guys just an edit thanks for the good and bad comments if you have any bad comments about me I would love to fix my mistakes



Edited by Colt1111
Just a note
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On 7/19/2024 at 10:21 PM, badspider said:

+ 1 
some of you may not know him IC but I do he is great with the new members to the community helping them find factions to join or simply how to collect a pay check. Follows the rules and has no bans or warns. 


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+ 1 

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Has a good understanding of the rules and in general he is very intelligent, very active and keen to be staff.
Would be a good addition.

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Might not be well known but there's nothing wrong with that. He seems to know his stuff 

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Re-apply in 2 weeks.

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