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King of Romes ban


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Your Name:  Kingpen Carterson

SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): Steam ID: 76561199122225601

Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute):  Dispute

Which staff member banned you?: Mical Jordin

How long is your ban for?:  5 whole days

Why were you banned?:  VDM

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: Basically I hit someone on the stairs of Reichstag on accident, i meant to stop right next to them but the server lagged once again and i end up hitting him (he got glitched between car and the stairs and was hit going like 4 mph) and once he died i stopped the car and said sorry, and since nobody arrested me I drove off.  I was then tpd to a sit where i explained it was accidental, and said sorry once again to the guy i hit. I offered him any number of Reichsmarks to cover the "Pain and suffering" and he was also refunded his gun before this. My notes destroy any chance of getting out of a sit, I have more bans than notes and every time staff sees them they flip shit.  But even with my notes being so bad the 2 staff in the sit were leaning towards giving me a warning and letting me pay him the amount of his choice. They asked what he wanted, between the warn, ban, and note and he said he wants me banned. This was not an rp scenario, its currently 11:30 so not sure why he was wanted me banned. I then called him a little rat who likes getting people banned (i was gonna give him like 5k but hed rather get me banned, so yes he's a little nasty rat) and had a extra note and day given to me for disrespect

Additional Information:  Im still waiting for my VIP vehicles, the King of Rome is tired of this treatment

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Hello, I am the staff member the issued your ban, the reason that you were banned is because you did blatantly run over two players. In the clip we don't hear you state that you were sorry and you didn't mean to and after talking to the player who reported you he didn't hear it either. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/imaz1AuPdAt3Z9XFU/OH799h2KZGqx?invite=cr-MSxUMjMsMjU1MjE0NjAxLA  when brought to a sit we checked your priors, you had mass amount of bans which were all recent, as for your notes they were not as recent however you still had mass amounts of them along with your bans. When we were discussing your situation near the end of the staff sit you started yelling to the guy who reported you that he was a dirty rat multiple times, that required a gag. On top of that when we were explaining what we were planning to do as your punishment you stated that you were aiming for him and meant to hit him on purpose, fellow staff member Dawg witnessed this as he helped guide the ban.  Yes your previous bans did have a effect on your punishment as they were all recent and some for very serious reasons like MRDM. 

In the end me and the other staff member felt like it was the proper decision and would make sense to hand out the 5d ban for NITRP | VDM | POs

Previous Bans: https://imgur.com/a/lCsRYQh 

Previous Notes: https://imgur.com/a/olHTvHM

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Hey it’s Dawg, I was there to witness this sit and help guide @Mical Jordinwith this ban.

I've seen you multiple times, and your name has stuck out for bad reasons. so when you were dragged into a sit i had already understood you’re a bit of a trouble maker. Initially when you were dragged into the sit, you offered to pay a bribe to the guy, in which he declined. you complained about how you’re targeted because of your PO’s and we explained to you how you have many RDM and VDM notes as well as bans, some even from me. After realising you were getting banned, you got aggressive towards the person making the ticket, getting pretty disrespectful within the sit room which i usually don’t tolerate. you then admitted you did mean to hit him which helped me come to my final decision in where i told Mical, “just ban him.” At the end of the day it’s up to Mical Jordan wether he feels your ban was reasonable and wether he should push for it to be lifted or not, but in my personal opinion i find it pretty reasonable. Hopefully you take this as a learning experience to learn that your actions do have consequences.

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1 hour ago, Mical Jordin said:

Hello, I am the staff member the issued your ban, the reason that you were banned is because you did blatantly run over two players. In the clip we don't hear you state that you were sorry and you didn't mean to and after talking to the player who reported you he didn't hear it either. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/imaz1AuPdAt3Z9XFU/OH799h2KZGqx?invite=cr-MSxUMjMsMjU1MjE0NjAxLA  when brought to a sit we checked your priors, you had mass amount of bans which were all recent, as for your notes they were not as recent however you still had mass amounts of them along with your bans. When we were discussing your situation near the end of the staff sit you started yelling to the guy who reported you that he was a dirty rat multiple times, that required a gag. On top of that when we were explaining what we were planning to do as your punishment you stated that you were aiming for him and meant to hit him on purpose, fellow staff member Dawg witnessed this as he helped guide the ban.  Yes your previous bans did have a effect on your punishment as they were all recent and some for very serious reasons like MRDM. 

In the end me and the other staff member felt like it was the proper decision and would make sense to hand out the 5d ban for NITRP | VDM | POs

Previous Bans: https://imgur.com/a/lCsRYQh 

Previous Notes: https://imgur.com/a/olHTvHM

I already said it was an accident on actually hitting them, the server lag has been terrible and that is the only reason i hit them. I did apologize, if the clip somehow ends up in this thread id love to see if its cut short.  I didn't drive off either, I got out of the car and checked where I hit them. Also like I said I wasn't even pressing on the gas, car didn't surpass 5 mph.  I'm not sure why you lie on me not saying sorry in the hit, I remember specifically stating "Sorry" and "Yea that's totally my fault" (when it really wasn't) and that i was sorry and id give him any amount of rm he wanted extra. I didn't blame staff once for my ban, so you lying for no reason is really odd. If you have clip of sit and didn't apologize ill quit server forever. The one part I will say was a bit extra was when I said I meant to hit him. I thought that they already had decided to ban me, because one of them said "yea lets ban him"  and the rat guy said "Ban him" so I said it trying to get under skin.  I didn't call him a name or say anything he wouldn't have liked until after he said he wanted to get me banned. You guys kinda tweaked at me saying rat tbh its not that serious regardless. He chose to get me banned for 4 days after all the offerings and apologies, so I call him rat.  None of my previous bans or notes are VDM, so this is my first offense.  My bans are recent yes, but like check the length of the bans and you tell me is that fair. I defend Rome as a Champion of the Kingpen Realm, this ban was bs and should have just been a note.

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