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Ace’s Staff Application


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Steam Name: Ace (TheAceInSpce)


SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): 1263395511


Discord Username/ID: theaceinspace


Timezone: EST


Age: 17


Time Played (check with !time): 1W 1D 14H 39M


Your current rank(User/Donator/Trusted): Donator


Do you have a mic & will you use it?: Yes


Are you consistently active on the forums and server?: Server wise yes, As of forums I look through them weekly.


Did anyone from the Recruitment Team assist you in making your application?: Aris


Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify): Aris, layheeee, Mical Jordin, and Poppadopalis 



Basic Information Section

IC Character names, ranks, and brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format:


Oberpolizeiinspektor Fredrich Figelbottum: Stands as the Chef der Streifendienst, On this character I over look the Streifendienst to make sure that my men are acting professionally and fairly when it comes to making reports and doing patrols around the city.


Staatssekretär Yuri Orlov: Stands as the Chef der Abteilung-B in the MOP, His job is to ensure that all other members in office B are being efficient and active while also reaching their quotas.


Oberstleutnant Heine Katchup: Somewhat of a basic Oberstleutnant but he generally helps support the integrity of the Panzers and its ranks while making sure that his men are as presentable as possible.


How long have you been roleplaying?: On this server in particular about 2-3 months but I've roleplayed on different games in the past few years such as Five M.


Have you received any infractions i.e Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time?: I have been banned once about a month ago for LTARP which on my end was my fault being as I tabbed out of my fifa match and closed the server for better performance while not realizing that I was tied, In the future I will be more cautious with actions like this by looking into my gmod tab before just outright closing it.



Staff Knowledge Section

What previous experience do you have as a staff member either within Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode? This is personally my first time applying for Staff on a gmod server but I have gained experience with leadership  through being a student leader in my very strict High School Marching Band, It sounds corny but we usually win most if not all awards at our competitions if that explains how Strick the band and its selection on leadership is.


Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team?[300 words or more]: Over the summer that I have been apart of this community I have truly grown to love it and its members. When making tickets I quickly started to realize how laid back and cool the admins were most of the time and it honestly inspired me to think about the possibility of me applying for it at some point. As time went on and I grew more familiar with this community and its players I reconsidered back to my previous idea of applying to become an staff member so that I could also play my part by contributing to this server that I have spent so much time on over these past few months. What I believe that I can bring to the table in terms of being apart of staff is that I am a very understandable and relatable person which would allow me to easily converse with people during tickets which would in turn entice people to want to stay around on said server because of its supportive environment. On top of this, I believe that I have the willpower to get things done in their correct order without becoming bias or swaying towards maybe my friend during an RDM ticket etc. This is important because being apart of these corrupt acts would further make the server and its staff look bias and incompetent which I would hate being as I have only had positive interactions with you all thus far. Another quality of mine that I might add is my overall handling of responsibilities, this would help in correlation to the server because if I am able to get my tickets done asap instead of procrastinating then other admins around me won't have to pick up my work again. Makes us all look bad and it is with my full intentions to leave this server in the future as someone who strengthened the community rather than harm it in any way. 


What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words? [150 Words or more]: When it comes to the duties and responsibilities of a staff member in this server it's just easy to describe them as the foundation to a house. Without the foundation and workers who built it such as the staff here, the server wouldn't be able to run on its own for possibly even a week without falling into anarchy. That is why it is important that all staff members play their parts by contributing to their duties and responsibilities by being there, being supportive, and being productive. As I've also stated before, with this responsibility comes the need for members to be mentally capable of fitting this server's needs. That is why it is also important that staff members keep a good demeanor when speaking to players within the discord or server without becoming immature which as a result will not only harm the staff's reputation but the servers as well. It is also helpful to note that staff members only build in terms of responsibility as they go up in rank which is why it is important to stay on top of my work if I am added into the staff team. This work that I speak of is a the basic fundamentals that a staff member should learn such as Civilian PK’s, Uniform chances, whitelisting players into specific factions as well as the many other responsibilities that come with this role. Furthermore, I understand that being in such a group is a high esteemed privilege and therefore I shall earn these responsibilities or ranks if you will with more activity and showing of competence.


Edited by 𝓐𝓬𝓮
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Known him for a bit. Would be a great staff member.

  • Chad 1
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He's an alright person. Has great potential for staff as long as he can behave.

  • Chad 1
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+1 he's cool

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Edited by Dr Trevor Lawrence PHD
  • Chad 1
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Respectable individual as far as I've known him.

  • Chad 1
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Good application. 

Hope to see you in the team 



  • Chad 1
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A very genuine guy, who will work his ass off if given the position. I've had the pleasure of talking to him both in-game and out of game and he's nothing but respectful and a good all-round dude. Goodluck!




  • Chad 1
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A pretty good guy, dedicated. Hope to see him be made an admin.

  • Chad 1
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He's pretty cool

  • Chad 1
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Chill Guy would make for a W admin.


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get this goober in the team

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Great guy.

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Love this guy, I wish too see him in the staff team!

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  • Chad 1
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+1, met him a few times in the MOP and he seems pretty cool.

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Spoke to him a few times in and out of character and I think he would make a great member of staff. 

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( i need to sleep )

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good guy. would be a good asset 

  • Chad 1
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Involved with the community and I believe he would make a great staff member.

  • Chad 1
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Seems pretty reasonable considering everything, pretty mature

Edited by Mical Jordin
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+1 well made app, good luck!

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