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Fades Application.


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Introduction Information Section
Steam Name:Fade-1715


Discord Username/ID:fadedata2 / 1108999121550983178



Time Played (check with !time): 1w 2d 16h 13m

  1. STEAM_0:0:581084532

Your current rank(User/Donator/Trusted): User 

Do you have a mic & will you use it?:Yes i do have a mic

Are you consistently active on the forums and server?:yes 

Did anyone from the Recruitment Team assist you in making your application?:Coffee

Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify): (N/A)

Basic Information Section
IC Character names, ranks, and brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format:

James Lewis (Panzer division been on the frontlines 4 times).

Jannis Hockmut (Got executed for arresting the NSB chief, Deputy chief of NSB, and lapo chief, as well as convincing the military it was lawful).

Sigil Hockmut (NSB officer handling patrols kidnapping and torturing military personnel and being my longest lasting char)

How long have you been roleplaying?: 10+ years 

Have you received any infractions i.e Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time?: N/A only warnings 

Staff Knowledge Section
What previous experience so you have as a staff member either within Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode? N/A

Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team?[300 words or more]:The core of a good community is having a good staff, ensuring the community needs are met with a fair and patient person who will upkeep the rules. I am that sort of person that can keep a stable mind. The responsibility of a staff member is to ensure players' questions, problems, and even mistakes are handled with a high degree of professionalism and not to disturb RP ( unless necessary ). In more straightforward terms, I assist players whenever required, as long as their requests are reasonable and within my capacities as a moderator. I would remain impartial during sits and only act on the evidence provided. The staff set the example for good quality roleplay, and I could bring a positive example to the roleplay. I am also very active. I am on most weekdays and weekends. It's essential to be active if you're seeking to bring a positive and fair moderation to the community. In conclusion, my want to protect the community and to help the community and dedication to fairness make me a level-headed addition to the staff team. Eager to learn and grow within this role, I am prepared to tackle challenges and actively contribute to the betterment of our community. My consistent presence and impartial approach ensure that I can effectively mediate and resolve issues, reinforcing the high standards expected of staff members. By joining the team, I aim to provide reliable support and help cultivate an environment where every player feels valued and fairly treated. This dedication to helping and learning is foundational to my approach as a potential moderator for this community I will give nothing less than 120% as a moderator for the staff group and will only aim to benefit and help the community as much as I can that is why I believe i should be picked for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team.(i know you guys wanted me btw)

What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words? [150 Words or more]:

The duties and responsibilities as a member of staff on Prometheus will be to make sure that the players of Prometheus are following the the rules and I'm enforcing the rules on the players when it shall be necessary and to prevent Minges and disappointments of the city and Kaiser. from causing disruptions to roleplay and to assist when needed during significant events and roleplay situations. My role will be to set a productive and positive role standard within the community. One of my main responsibilities will be taking tickets made by the players and resolving problems that players may have, In my eyes this is the main responsibility As a staff member and is a very important responsibility. It will also be my responsibility to be respectful and professional at all times to all players and other staff. As a member of staff I will be professional on my staff character, and professional when I'm not my staff character and when I'm roleplaying, I will set a positive example as a staff member on the server for other players and even other staff members to follow. I will be more than confident in enforcing the rules on players when needed, not just to ban players but help them overall understand the rules of the server, and provide explanation for each rule, I believe this is a positive way to turn repeat rulebreakers into actual players who play on the server and contribute to the community. I want to help new players understand the server and how it works and this can only benefit the server as it will bring a larger player base who actually roleplay on the server and to help protect the rp in the game. Overall my role would be to aid where needed and serve when required, whatever that may be, to keep our community flourishing and weed out those who merely seek not to add value to our community.


Love you guys thanks for making prometheus fun!!! (and it finally happened i applied.)

Edited by Fade-1715
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  • Fade-1715 changed the title to Fades Application.

-Neutral +-


I like the overall application and your attitude but while I have seen your character 'Sigil Hockmut' before,
I haven't ever really seen you participate in any real form of RP here. I just think being a bit more involved in
the community and the deeper RP within it may be beneficial before taking a role like this.

Edited by Patr1ck_K3nnedy
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Neutral/-1 Don't know you and have never seen you around

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No clue who you are, please have some community presence before applying.

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