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Fritz's Staff Application


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Steam Name: Patr1ck_K3nnedy


SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:0:185033303


Discord Username/ID: therollingminecart - 1024057114886410384


Timezone: CST


Age: 18


Time Played (check with !time):  3w 5d 21h 3m


Your current rank(User/Donator/Trusted): Trusted


Do you have a mic & will you use it?: Yes


Are you consistently active on the forums and server?: Yes


Did anyone from the Recruitment Team assist you in making your application?: Yes, Coffee


Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify): Jack, Vale, Aris, Marshal


Basic Information Section

IC Character names, ranks, and brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format: 


Gefreiter Karl-Heinz Falkensturm: A Gefreiter in the Luftwaffe who likes machine guns and massage chairs. 


Unterfeldwebel Maximilian Ironhart Ritter von Wolfsburg: An Unterfeldwebel of the Panzers with an aptitude for urban combat; he may be often seen in groups out of the ICC or training lower-ranking members on how to use their weapons most effectively. 


NSB-Chefinspektor Dietrich von Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha: A Chefinspektor of the NSB, Dietrich von Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha is the deputy chief of the BSD who mostly trains Officers and Analysts to conduct covert intelligence gathering and complete the entire intelligence cycle. His three favorite things are in this order: 1. Finished Intelligence 2. Powerpoint Presentations 3. Medals


Wissenschaftsminister Friedrich von Württemberg II: The Minister of Science, he larps with his people in the city sometimes, is working on Bioweapons and the STG-40 which is on the brink of being able to produce. 


Staatssekretär Leonhardt Graßl: This character exists and will only be played on in the event that my other high-ranking characters are PKed and I can transfer out of the state to do something interesting. He was the Minister of Procurement and Deputy of the Justice Ministry at one point. 


How long have you been roleplaying?: I have been roleplaying since the start of the Covid Pandemic.


Have you received any infractions i.e. Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time?: I haven't had a warning in a very long time, I believe it was for metagaming; that was years before we got the new server box and I haven't had an infraction since. 


Staff Knowledge Section

What previous experience so you have as a staff member either within Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode?


I was given staff on a few other inferior 1942 servers that did not last very long, the benefit of such is I am now proficient in the use of the admin stick. 


Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team?[300 words or more]: You should pick me to be on the Prometheus Networks Staff Team for a few reasons, chiefly that I am: An 'older' member of the community who has been given permissions that could have been misused many times but I have not misused them, that I am willing and able to help members of the community, new or old, in whatever they need help with, and that I am able to think analytically which will help in the complex situations that I will be charged with handling. 


As an 'older' member of the community I not only know the rules that have been set forth but I have a deeper understanding of the nuances and the 'case law' that has been put forth in the past about the enforcement of rules, and where exactly the lines are set between what is allowed and what isn't allowed, being able to interpret the rules in a matter more correct to what my superiors intend; my experience in the community also shows my trustworthiness as in the many instances in the past where I have been given permissions that could affect people negatively that people have historically abused like C flags or channel management perms, I have not done so despite the number of opportunities given, showing integrity. 


As someone willing to help members of the community I should be chosen, as someone who has helped new players navigate the intricacies of the server, from just opening their inventory and equipping things to helping people understand the dynamics of the server's factions at any given moment, I would be given a much greater opportunity to help new players, especially as a staff member, ensuring that new players are not turned off of the server and that they can be retained. 


As someone who is able to think analytically, proven through RP interactions, especially through intelligence, I will be able to use those skills to find out the truth of matters even when evidence may be scarce, from repeated patterns of VDM, to finding minges who can often fall through the cracks by acting serious in front of staff or taking breaks in between their minge in an attempt not to be punished. 


What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words? [150 Words or more]: There are few main responsibilities of a staff member, firstly, and most chiefly thought of, every staff member is entrusted with enforcing the rules in punishing and recording those who are committing RDM, breaking NLR to continue RP, and to punish minges who do not intend to roleplay, but instead interrupt or destroy it. Secondly, and arguably just as important, staff have a duty to help new players figure out how the server works and how to play on it, from how to join a faction, to using the nutscript system ect. It is vital for server health that staff are there to help the new players, especially those who break rules when they first join; even I joined as a minge who wanted to troll nazis after seeing a youtube video years ago. Thirdly but still importantly, staff have a responsibility to facilitate the good working of RP through whitelisting people to factions, PKing those who have ‘broken’ the PK guidelines, and switching peoples models/promoting them.


Edited by Patr1ck_K3nnedy
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Absolute legend this guy. 
Would make a great addition to the staff team. 

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Nice guy, good role player. I think he would make a great addition to staff, here's why:

A.) He is active frequently, and won't typically miss too much of the week.
B.) He actually puts in effort into whatever he is doing, weather that be training people, making paperwork, or making the server better.

C.) He is a decent human being. Nice to all, and funny.

D.) He is efficient, and wont waist peoples time. 

E.) He knows the server well, and is very experienced.
F.) He helps other people playing on server a lot, and would be very helpful as a staff
All that being said, he would make a great staff member.



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