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Kalizar's Staff Application


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Introduction Information Section
Steam Name: Kalizar

SteamID32 (STEAM_0:1:529038135 )

Discord Username/ID: bakedpotatoking

Timezone: EST

Age: 18

Time Played (check with !time): 3 Weeks, 9 Hours 20 Mins (Previously 1 Month on Old Server) 

Your current rank(User/Donator/Trusted): VIP (Trusted on old Box)

Do you have a mic & will you use it?: Yes

Are you consistently active on the forums and server?: Yes (Before the Forums got changed I had around 60-80 Posts on the Forums)

Did anyone from the Recruitment Team assist you in making your application?: Coffee

Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify): Rose, Jack, Colt1111, Vixx, 

Basic Information Section
IC Character names, ranks, and brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format:
Leitender Staatssrektar Joseph W. Reinhart As the Leitender Staatssrekatar of the Ministry of Finance, Joseph W. Reinhart is tasked with overseeing command & enforcing new policy's within the MOF to ensure it's better growth, he's also tasked with overseeing all of the Property Management within Germany and ensuring that business owners are in a proper standing

Oberstleutnant Dietrich von Krause Oberstleutnant Dietrich von Krause is the Former Deputy Chief of the Reinwelt Company within the Kaisergarde, He Tends to Lead Patrols Around the City, Enforcing and Commanding his Personnel on guarding and Training 

Militäroberinspektor Hanz Volkhart Luther Oberstleutnant Hanz Volkhart Luther is the Former Deputy Director of the Militargeheimdienst and now current Chief of the GFP within the MGD, he's tasked with leading the Main Policing Authority within the Agency and getting informants, and new personnel within his command

How long have you been roleplaying?: 6-7 Years

Have you received any infractions i.e Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time?: I'm pretty sure I had a warning or two on the old server, I unfortunately don't recall what for.  

Staff Knowledge Section
What previous experience so you have as a staff member either within Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode? I had previously Staffed for a variety of different types of 1942rp Nutscript servers in the past where I learned majority of my staffing skills and knowledge around the topic including how to use a Admin Stick, Commands and Etc 

Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team?[300 words or more]: Apart of the reason I believe I would be a good candidate for the Prom Staff team is that I have been playing on the server for around a year now as a trusted member of the community, helping users daily with setting up simple things like getting models up and promotions. I've gained a pretty good sense of what the staff team at Prom would be like, and I can see myself excelling in that role if I were to be accepted today. 

Another reason I think I would be a good candidate is that I have a significant amount of experience in staffing and handling a variety of situations. I would like to say that I'm great at working out solutions to problems that people may have, and I can put my foot down when it's necessary. Compared to the average Larper, my current schedule and availability allows me to log onto the server almost daily, including during peak hours. In my previous staff positions and jobs, I had a pretty good response time to tickets and maintained a professional manner during it.  

As a type of Summary,  I firmly believe that my extensive background in helping community engagement, along with my large staffing experience specific to this game mode and strong problem solving capabilities, position me as a highly suitable candidate for the Prom Staff Team Additionally, my previous experiences in staffing for this game mode, combined with my skills and values, would make me a valuable asset to the staff team here as I am eager to contribute to the community from a more better standpoint, rather than being just as a trusted user with limitations on my abilities and what I can and cannot do. I am confident that, if given the opportunity, I could help make users experience better with just simply using my communication skills 


What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words? [150 Words or more]: The duties and responsibilities of a staff member at Prometheus involve ensuring that players adhere to the established rules and that staff members enforce these rules when necessary. It is also essential to prevent players from disrupting roleplay and to offer assistance during significant events and roleplay situations when needed.

Staff members at Prometheus should always attempt to maintain a professional manner when going about doing their job, as they are one of the main representatives of the server and can be a significantly big influence on how other players perceive and see it in the future. I will establish a productive and positive standard within the community, and one of my main responsibilities will be to handle tickets from the community and assist in resolving any issues that players may have. I consider this to be a key aspect of being a staff member and a critical responsibility that all staff should uphold. 

I must also maintain a level of respect and dignity while on duty as a staff member, putting any personal differences aside, both towards players and fellow staff members. As a staff member, I will conduct these activities with as much professionalism as possible, whether on duty or in simple roleplay scenarios. At all times, I will strive to set a good example for the rest of the staff team and the player base as a positive member of the staff, regardless of the situation, and someone who prioritizes the needs of the community.

I can confidently say that I will enforce the rules on players when necessary, not only to ban and enforce them but also to help them understand what they did wrong and to provide them with a better understanding of the server rules, as well as examples for each regulation.  I believe this approach can help transform repeated rulebreakers into engaged rule following larpers who contribute just as much to the community. I aim to assist new and old players in understanding the server and how it operates, thereby enhancing the community with a much larger playerbase that Genuinely does contribute and engage in the community's roleplay experience. In summary, to I believe that I would be a good fit for the Prometheus Staff Team because I genuinely care about this community and am committed to creating a better roleplay experiences for all players. I believe In enforcing the rules not just strictly, but also through a educational process that could teach new players on how the server operates and how they can improve.

Notes: N/A

Edited by Kalizar
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Amazing writing on this application, even the word count is more then expecting.

A million +1 And a over great person to larp with.

Edited by XXR4geDozM
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Great application, highly recommended - I believe you would be a great addition to the staff team. I have had extensive interactions with you on many characters over the past few months, all of which have been positive. You hold a wealth of RP knowledge and understand the community around you. Detailed application and insights which can only be expanded on if you are accepted. 


Good luck, Kalizar.

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Me and Kalizar go way back now. Great application, and I know he has the right stuff for the job. Hope to see him accepted!

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