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Holidayfests Application


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Steam Name:  holidayfest

SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:0:186383964

Discord Username/ID: holidayfest

Timezone: EST

Age: 18

Time Played (check with time): 1 week, 14h 42 min

Your current rank(User/Donator/Trusted): 


Do you have a mic & will you use it?: 


Are you consistently active on the forums and server?:


Did anyone from the Recruitment Team assist you in making your application?:


Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify):

@evan. @Lyrical @Spooks

Basic Information Section
IC Character names, ranks, and brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format:

Holis Dieter : This character is a Ministry of justice richter. The rank of oberregierungsrat, apart of the Kammergericht. Mainly what this character does is court cases, presiding or assisting with them, being around other senior ministry of justice members to learn how to deliberate trials and go about them with am unbias stature. With being a CO in the MOJ, i also can teach the new richters that come in as assistants the ropes and how to properly file their paperwork and, use the penal code and format things correctly for submission. Other richters including myself wait to be requested by someone who needs to be brought to justice.

Mars Muller: Mars, is a Major in the Luftwaffe. The daily duties of this character is recruiting for the Luftwaffe, teaching the new recruits the ropes. Being an officer, he also needs to be a leader for the NCO's, and the enlisted, making sure that they are following the rules, uniform mandate, and enforcing Luftwaffe policies within the airfield. Sometimes his duties can consist of protecting the Field Marshall, but mainly, on a day to day basis, the activities are to be recruiting, patrolling, and getting the new recruits the experience they need to have a good career within the Luftwaffe. 

How long have you been roleplaying?: 4 years

Have you received any infractions i.e Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time?:


Staff Knowledge Section
What previous experience so you have as a staff member either within Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode?

Star wars RP, but that was a long time ago.

Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team?[300 words or more]: 

I believe I should be chosen over the others because I want it more than the others. With every roleplaying server I join or have a liking to, I always want to meet the staff team who ensure the safety of the game, and make sure that it's fun and welcoming for the new players. I always want to be a part of that, I want to give people the opportunity to be able to do the same thing and ensure a safe environment. Not only would I be doing that, but I am a good communicator, I like to speak to people, I like helping those in need who request it, especially when some of the staff are not exactly online to do so, on some of those late nights when I am awake and I'm not able to recruit someone or do things that require staff to be present. Not only that but, I aspire to actually be a part of this community, from when I joined, I wanted to have a shot at being a staff member and helping out with the positive community. Furthermore I have almost 5 years of experience under my belt, with other games that have staff, RedM for Red dead redemption, some other game modes like star wars. I've been a staff member on a couple of Roblox milsim groups, although it isn't the same, it is still experience that I have retained and ive had to deal with all kinds of people, ranging from ages to language barriers. I am a quick learner and I plan to learn the ropes of this staff position as well. I've been told by others that I am competent enough to try for this. To wrap up, I have a strong belief that I should be chosen as staff instead of the others because I am well coordinated, have great communication skills, and I do not beat around the bush, I make sure that my work is completed thoroughly, finally I plan to go above and beyond the finish line.

What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words? [150 Words or more]:

The things that I would assume that I would be doing, retain those of a Jr. Mod, although I will be a part of the them, I will still have a lot to learn. Things like how to fix player models, how to properly PK someone, looking at clips, deeming what can be used as evidence and what can't be, putting someone in jail, and how to guide people to the right answer when they do not know it. Being able to put myself out there when the user makes a ticket asking for something, being open to asking my mentor and those around me for extra help when even I can't find the answer to solve their problems. Lots of multi tasking, juggling RP time with staff time. With that, being able to enforce the Prometheus rules and server rules unto people who break them. Being welcoming to new players. Being the absolute backbone of the server. Taking on a heavy responsibility as a staff member, messing up isn't an option. Overall, a staff member should be making sure that the players are having a good time, ensuring a safe environment for the activities of the server, and making sure everything is functioning properly within the safety of the server and game.

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I saw you a couple of times on the server and you have a good app so sure.

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Good App deserves a change.

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Great Staff App, does deserves a change

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