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Description of the idea: A voice device that the NHCs would use to call other NHCs without any problem opens a direct line of communication, thus encouraging cooperation and speedy responses. Long ago, the Telephone was added to this server earlier and was the most common communication device. I don't know why it was removed, but I feel that it can be brought back again

Why should this be added?: To help enhance RP, instead of DMing people to get on, they can call them. Not only that, but you could also do the GM events, such as getting a call from the front lines or getting a call for Lentz next meal (JK). 

What negatives could this have?: People can abuse the phone by spam calling NHC offices, but that's it

Additional information: Idk why it was removed

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What negatives could this have?: People can abuse the phone by spam calling NHC offices, but that's it

That was the best part. Spamming the MOI as a Enlisted Soldier.

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calling the police headquarters and asking if their refrigerator is running >>>>>

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17 minutes ago, mEEm said:

calling the police headquarters and asking if their refrigerator is running >>>>>


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Now I agree with this to be possibly added but as you stated and I agree with, people would just sit there and spam call NHC and stuff like that, now if we could make it so that only certain people can use the phones and specific phone lines that would work perfectly.

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2 hours ago, Lentz said:

Now I agree with this to be possibly added but as you stated and I agree with, people would just sit there and spam call NHC and stuff like that, now if we could make it so that only certain people can use the phones and specific phone lines that would work perfectly.

We could make it where only NHCs has phones

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If only NHC could have phones what is the point. That is a low percentage of the player base. Realisticly it was more available. You want to put effort into developing that. Which could be used to do something for regular player.

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your phone linging

  • KEKW 1
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17 hours ago, Doofles said:

That was the best part. Spamming the MOI as a Enlisted Soldier.

I like how he thinks 

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we could make it so it's similar to acquiring the typewriter, having a physical telephone, and have a cost per call, and have a vendor sell it

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+1 I would love to prank call the nsb

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+1, I miss the phones it would be nice to have them again.

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I think telephones should be added,  as it seems most people just use the "advertisement" function, having a more rp friendly way of communications aside from the radio would be nice

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