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PK Appeal


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Character's name & rank:  Wolf Hullman - OberLeutent 

SteamID32: 76561198354795407

Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): No 

Explain why you were PK'd: I was pked because I threaten to shoot an officer and then the leading lapo man bringed me into the fedral council meeting and asked for me to be shot in the head.   

Why should you be un-PK'd?: 1st off somehow I never gave this police officer my name and he knew it i have never showed it to anyone and I guess he is staff and he found out that way so that is cheating in the game meeting I could have just ran off change outfits and he would not have known but I was not tied or anything and 2nd he acted like he was the kiser and he gagged me without the roleplay ani and was acting like a joke and this was at the time the army was guarding the capital some officer threaten to arrested my soldier and I threaten to shoot him not kill him shoot him. And the reason why is because it was unfair he knew who I was breaking RP and gagged me without the anim like I didn't see the *Gagged* anim and somehow he still gagged me failing RP 

Additional Information: None 

  • KEKW 1
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That same staff LAPO is the guy who PK'd me

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“2nd he acted like he was the kaiser”


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You refused to stop speaking with a gun pointed at your head, at any point in time I could have just shot you for it. Me not usiong a /me I guess is a mistake, but it doesn't invalidate anything, especially considering you just blatantly breaking fearRP a dozen different times. 

You threatened to murder police officers who were telling your men to not point guns at civilians on the OTHER side of a barricade. You were asked to retract or apologize and you refused. You were then dragged before the Federal Council as we were going there anyways and you once again kept breaking fearRP. You were subsequently shot for it. The End.

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The PK guideline you fell under was "Being killed while not abiding by Fear-RP".

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