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Everything posted by Altoid

  1. I'm arguing that it wasn't RDM or FailRP, the rule states that a PK is authorized if deemed necessary by UA, or if it is RDM, or FailRP. Gary thought it was RDM and regardless of that he was going to issue a 2 rank demotion for it, once he found out it wasn't RDM (meaning it didn't fall under the last part of the rule "RDM or FailRP") and it fell under the "If UA deems it necessary" portion of the rule then he decided to full PK me. He thought it was RDM and was going to 2 rank demote me but once he found out that it wasn't RDM then he wanted to full PK me. What exactly changed when he saw the clip (2), the clip showed that it wasn't RDM or FailRP, and the PK guidelines state that dying after initiating a gun fight is a Derank UNLESS it's deemed RDM or FailRP, or if UA deemed it necessary. Maybe I'm explaining this weird, I hope the person reviewing this can understand what I'm saying, based on your response it's very clear you didn't understand what I was explaining in the sit about how it doesn't make sense.
  2. Character's name & rank: Hauptfeldwebel Markus Köehler (mgd) SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:567801681 Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Carried out by Aurelius of Phoenix Approved by Gary Explain why you were PK'd: Dying after initiating a gun fight Why should you be un-PK'd?: I pulled aside one member of the MGD to have a word with him, he followed me, as well as Norman Baker and a few others. This was meant to be a private discussion between myself, Norman and the member of the MGD but Levi refused to leave, he was in the doorway and didn't backup after being asked too very nicely before I pulled a gun on him and warned him to go. I warned him with my gun and put him under what I thought to be fear-rp, he was given a little over 30 seconds to move back and he refused, I then pulled a gun out and I shot him, after shooting him I was gunned down by the people behind me who I believed to be on my side. I believed them to be on my side considering I was appointed the deputy. I was brought to a sit, shown the clip by Aurelius. The clip (clip named 1) I was shown by him had no audio to it whatsoever and it showed a visual glitch on the clippers end showing me have my gun on safety and then proceeding to shoot him, he was told the people who brought him the clip told him what happened, explained the clip and what was going on regardless of there being no audio. I explained it was a visual glitch, after explaining he said that I RDM'ed him and I explained that I had a gun pointed at him and I was warning him to back-up, he then said I initiated a gun fight, granted he was but I assumed it wasn't RDM because I had a gun pointed at him and told him to move and gave him about 30 seconds before I shot him and was then shot myself. Gary showed up and asked if there was a glitch in the video because "it looks like you pulled a gun out and shot him" and then I tried to explain the visual glitch and he goes "okay you can PK him then" and disappears, I then tried to dispute my case with aurelius because I didn't think it was a full PK because it stated in the PK guidelines "Dying after initiating a shoot-out [De-rank (Low Administration), a PK may be authorized by UA if deemed necessary or if it falls under RDM and/or FailRP]" The situation wasn't RDM because it wasn't random and there was a good amount of context to it and it wasn't failrp, with that being said I'm assuming gary "Deemed it necessary" I think it's very important that I emphasize that he approved all this on a clip (1) that had no audio and was clearly screwed up. After he disappeared I tried to dispute my case with Aurelius because I was frustrated, I offered to show him my clip (2) where he watched it and asked me if I was blocking him in a doorway and had a gun to back-up, I clarified that he was blocking me in a doorway and I was trying to get him to move to close the door because of the privacy of the conversation. I tried to argue that if it was RDM then it'd be a full PK but I believed it not to be and I believed him to be under fear-rp, I requested for another admin as an opinion/to explain it better as well as requesting several times for gary to explain his reasoning so I could show my clip, give him the context of the screwed up clip (1) he watched and pk'ed me based off of, he ignored me and pk'ed my regardless of my somewhat fair request of Gary coming so I can explain some stuff. I get on another character I made another clip trying to file a pk on the person I supposedly thought I put under fear-rp in the doorway and broke it when he didn't listen to the demand, after he watched the clip he asked for like sort of the full context of the situation in the clip and the situation in the admin sit that I was PK'ed in, he explained some things about how it wasn't fear-rp because he had a gun out and I didn't attempt to arrest him or any of that and in conclusion it wasn't a pk because it wasn't him breaking fear-rp because there was no fear-rp to break to begin with and how I can't "fear-rp" someone to back out of a room or any of that. Gary appeared and chimed in saying that he approved me to get a 2 rank demotion by Aurelius and got in the sit when I started disputing it, however when he got in the original sit with Aurelius he said nevermind and to full PK me, he didn't explain anything, he came to the sit when I started disputing it and changed his mind, I also want to emphasize that this wasn't said at all during the sit and I was put under the influence that I was getting a full PK, what made me think this was because he kept trying to say it wasn't fear-rp and how it was RDM, not once did he try to explain it was a demotion, I tried to explain to gary that I thought I was getting full pk'ed and then Gary told me he told Aurelius to 2 rank demote me and then a note for RDM, I said that's not what he said and he told me he didn't give a fuck about what he said and then Hound asked me if that's all I said yes and he returned me. In the beginning when Gary came into the second sit he was explaining how he explained to me all the context and stuff about why I was pked but he said a single sentence to Aurelius that sentence being "Was there a glitch in the video? Because it looks like he just pulled out his gun and shot him, okay, you can pk him then" so I don't understand this whatsoever because he originally thought it was RDM on my end because of the messed up clip (1) and that he was going to 2 rank demote me for the RDM but then he was given the context about how it wasn't RDM and he changed his mind and ruled upon a full PK (before seeing the clip (2) ) The PK guideline said that the de-rank is authorized however a pk can be authorized if it was rdm or fail rp, meaning if it was RDM it would be a full PK, he thought it was RDM and wanted to demote me but when he found out it wasn't then he decided to full PK me and that's not really adding up to me whatsoever. Additional Information: Clip (1) https://medal.tv/?contentId=igO7uiD6u6heyNXmg&invite=cr-MSxPVTgsMjA2NzEyOTQ1LA&spok=d1337vFUW2yA - Clip that gary went off of that he was originally going to demote me and note me for. - No audio and it's a trimmed 13 second clip with no context. - Visual glitch showing my gun was in safety regardless of it not being in safety. - Viewed by Gary before he approved 2 rank demotion. Clip (2) https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/igO7Lqk3VIxi1Mczw/d1337RKGbPF6?invite=cr-MSx4cHMsMjI0MTMzNTY4LA - Longer clip showing more context. - Has Audio - Visual glitch not present meaning it was client sided on the person who clipped (1) - Shows no RDM or Fail RP leading up to the gun fight. - Wasn't viewed by Gary before he PK'ed me. I understand that it wasn't fearRP but I also don't think it was RDM or FailRP, and I am confident that it wasn't necessary for a full PK to take place, not even Gary thought it was necessary when he assumed it was RDM, only when I started disputing it in the sit did he approve it, he approved it without my clip and without proper context on my end and I don't think it was fair that I wasn't heard out. I want to give a quick disclaimer, in no way am I talking trash about Gary or Aurelius during this appeal I just don't believe it was a valid PK, I'm not saying either a bad staff members, because they aren't, I am simply stating that I think this to be one of the rare few unfair pk's considering the context of what lead up to its approval, why it was approved, and all of that. I hope whoever staff member reviewing this can also recognize where I'm coming from with this appeal and hopefully can unPK me. I appreciate to whichever staff member has to review this incredibly long appeal. - altoid
  3. +1 good fella
  4. Altoid

    Ban Appeal

    whatd you do
  5. +1 would be good if kept active and managed properly
  6. https://gyazo.com/cbd640b427e29016de18d5eb83dfa73a ok man
  7. erp and alting, great combo
  8. I'm watching the clip again and I notice that yes the guy who was ran over prop pushed a car, but in the clip he didn't attempt to prop push vort muller (the one who made the ticket/the one in the car) I'm also curious as to why he backed up and then decided to drive through the road beforehand in the beginning of the clip, he turned into the road with all the people about 3-5 seconds before the black car was pushed by the guy with the physgun. You pointed out in your reply that VDM is not allowed, he vdm'ed a guy, drove off, called everyone retards and then is confused as to why he got shot. In no way am I justifying prop flinging whatsoever but regardless the guy minging with the physgun didn't attempt to fling him, he wasn't even pointed in his direction when it took place he was pointed at an angle away from Vort. If Vort was genuinely concerned about it he could've made a ticket and went down the proper routes instead of taking matters into his own hands, that's the whole point of a staff team. I do not believe this ban was valid due to the circumstance I pointed out in my appeal.
  9. Your Name: Altoid SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:1:567801681 Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Dispute Which staff member banned you?: Solomon How long is your ban for?: 3 days Why were you banned?: RDM | PO's Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I do not view this as RDM whatsoever, it wasn't a random death match and I had a good reason to shoot him. In the clip you can see sort of a gun fight begin, the black car reversed and then decided to take that road instead slamming into one guy (that I knew) and almost hitting another (who I also knew) whilst calling us retards and driving away, I then proceeded to shoot at him for doing so. I see this as him VDM'ing someone, why would you drive into a crowd of people and then be surprised when you get shot after shooting someone. I'm keeping this appeal short because I believe it to be straightforward and that the person reviewing this will also realize that what I did was justified when I shot him for VDM'ing someone and basically attempting to VDM another, granted I should've maybe told him to stop driving and then proceeded to shoot him, however under the circumstances being that he drove into a crowd (hit 1 person) whilst also calling everyone retards and then proceeding to attempt to speed off it seemed logical and justified to shoot him. Additional Information: Clip submitted by person shot: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/hYDVvU3IpRYUcJJJc/gWrPB5SPRW72?invite=cr-MSxWTVgsODA2NDIxMDgs?mobilebypass=true It was not me who blurted out the N word at the end.
  10. "i have nothing to do with whats going on right now" https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/2eacsr1T0XzbPs/d1337XtwHDiJ?invite=cr-MSxYQnksMjI0MTMzNTY4LA
  11. +1 good fella, lot of characters that could benefit with trusted
  12. Too clarify I don't really expect a full unban but I am requesting it to be at least shortened to a reasonable amount.
  13. Your Name: Altoid SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:1:567801681 Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology and Dispute (Mostly apology) Which staff member banned you?: Ryan (UA in general) How long is your ban for?: Permanent Why were you banned?: Exile (+ Massive # of PO's) Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: Dispute - (ish): The original event that led up to my permanent ban was an exile, along side several others. From what I've heard there were some allegations of me spreading some false rumors about members of UA/Whoreson in general, and that was the main reason. However, when the drama started to begin with Lordvagues Server I left the discord due to the fact that I did not want to be part of it whatsoever and I honestly just wanted to roleplay, at the time I was a trial-mod (Not UA) and was also banned for this. Lordvague is my friend and he sent me the invite to his 1942 server that he was starting and as his friend I joined it assuming that it was kosher (it was not) and it resulted with myself being exiled alongside lordvague and his members of UA and probably a couple others. I mentioned earlier that I left the discord when everything started, I will admit that I rejoined when I saw screenshots of all of the Prometheus UA members joining the VC so I asked for the reinvite out of curiosity because I wanted to know what was going on, however under no circumstance was I spreading rumors, insulting Prometheus staff, or anything of the sort. At no point did I continue playing the server lordvague made when I left the discord, I left all that because I just didn't want to be part of it, unfortunately it didn't really work and I was exiled anyways. I don't really think this calls for a permanent ban but I understand how it looks through the eyes of you guys and I want to clarify that I am not banning anyone, I'm just mentioning this because it was the reason that initiated my ban to commence. I want to clarify that this is a small fraction of my appeal and I want to clarify that this in no way is my main part. Apology: Another important aspect that assisted my ban was the amount of Prior offenses I had, such as notes and bans, I think this was something that assisted with my ban being justified was that it shows that I cause trouble for people on the server, I want to apologize for my actions. I had a lot of PO's (Notes & Bans) for Nitrp, RDM, VDM, a lot of minge notes to be honest. I understand that I was and probably still am viewed as a minge because a lot of the characters I made with minge sounding names such as John Spaghetti/Alfredo or even an old unknown one like Wally Chestnut, I do know this doesn't help my situation at all but I honestly just want to roleplay because even though I was known for those characters I had a couple really decent ones like Ivstan Wolff or John Hofbauer who both got high ranking CO positions with possibilities of maybe even becoming a GO at one point. I like to think that I could help with roleplay in a positive way that doesn't display a minge image on myself. The event that caused for a note to be placed on my account which basically stated that next offense was a permanent ban was because I had a character named John Spaghetti and I was told by Hound (member of UA) to change it, and when the prompt came up which gave me the option to change it, I did something incredibly immature and changed my name to John and then the name of a server that Hound ran a while ago which clearly bugged him and I do really apologize for that. It was incredibly stupid, I don't know why I did it, I recognize it was incredibly petty and again I do apologize for that. It's been well a couple months since my ban and I understand that you guys would be reluctant to unban me due to my notes and the fact that it establishes a pattern that I am a trouble maker and that I shouldn't be back allowed in the server because I may cause trouble for any of the staff members. Over the time I thought about my actions and how I could fix them and I've come to the conclusion that the only way I can fix how I act is by thinking, I can promise that I will be thinking before my actions and I would really appreciate if my ban is reconsidered because I genuinely just want to political roleplay, which the new concept of kaiserRP it's introduced a really good political system that I really enjoy and would like to be part of. Under no circumstance am I justifying my actions, I accept responsibility for it and I genuinely recognize how poor my actions were/are. I want to prove to you guys that I can follow the rules and that I can follow the rules and just not be a minge. If not an unban then I request that it's at least shortened because I recognise my actions and I hope for another chance to be part of this community, because it's a community I enjoy. I want to prove that I actually have changed, I understand that another reason I was banned was my poor attitude. A good example of me displaying a poor attitude would be when I was in the sit with Hound and I set my name to that, it was petty and just a generally negative thing to do, it was an attack on him and it was for no reason. Over the couple months my attitude has changed and I want to prove it, I want to show that I can actually roleplay without causing shit for other people. Again I am not justifying my actions whatsoever but I humbly ask that my ban is reconsidered, I appreciate to whomever read this long ass appeal. Additional Information: Was told to appeal after two weeks by a member of UA, since my previous denied pban appeal. It has been just over two weeks.
  14. I did not in any way take part in the defamation against Prometheus, I was not part of it and was not even in the discord when it all took place. In fact I remember telling lordvague to not involve me whatsoever as I did not want to be part of it. I just want another chance to prove that I have changed and that I am able to follow the rules and not be a minge.
  15. Not once have I made a comment against Prometheus, lordvague also does not recall this happening. https://gyazo.com/0c9271b8b046c216f8684701c9642f35
  16. Your Name: Altoid SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:567801681 Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology and Dispute Which staff member banned you?: Ryan How long is your ban for?: Permanent Why were you banned?: Exile (+ massive PO's) Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: Dispute: I was banned permanently for community exile with about 8+ other people, I'm not entirely sure what they did, I'm sure it was justified. I'm not sure why I was banned for being associated with the server lordvague made I was a trial-mod and was barely involved roleplay wise I was just sort of in it because it was a server my friend made and he invited me to it. I am aware there were several allegations that lordvague and whomever else made against whoreson and whoever else, I want to clarify that in no way did I condone that and I also want to highlight the fact that in no way whatsoever was I part of this, when the drama begun I did leave the discord server and never ended up reconnecting to the actual gmod server as well due to the fact that I did not want to be part what was going on. I don't believe that me being so barely part of the server caused for me being permanently banned. Apology: I understand that I also had a massive amount of PO's (Notes, and bans) and this could be a part of the reason to ban me as it was shown that I cause trouble. I do apologies for what I did, a lot of my PO's are for things like RDM, VDM, stuff that could have been avoided by simply thinking before doing and for that I apologies, I do take responsibility for this and in no way am I trying to justify all the shit I did, a lot of it being minge activities like Johnny Alfredo or John Spaghetti. One of my last moments on the server was Hound changing my name and me responding to it by changing my name to "John Horizon Networks" which was incredibly petty and disrespectful and I am sorry to hound for doing that as I understand that it could be frustrating and annoying. I've done a lot of stuff, some stuff I could do to avoid this in the future is somewhat simple and it's "think before I do" which is something I have been working on and I can confidently say that my attitude has improved positively as this was also one of my main issues (having a poor attitude) I completely understand if you guys don't want to unban me, I wouldn't want to unban me I have a long long long list of notes and it shows that I just don't learn. There's not many things I can do to prove that I can learn because of the fact that I'm banned and that I have so many notes and it shows a pattern. I would like a chance to prove that I have indeed changed and that I can follow the rules and roleplay properly and without being a minge. I am requesting not a full unban but it to be shortened to reasonable time if not full unban, as I do understand that what I did is completely worthy of a permanent ban, I completely deserve this permanent ban but I am requesting it to be shortened because I am genuinely sorry for my actions and I want to prove to you guys that I have changed and I would appreciate another chance to show that my attitude is no longer poor and that I can get along with others. Additional Information: It's been about 2 months since my ban and I have had a long time to think about my actions and how I can change them, I am sorry and hope that whoever reviews this can recognize that and hopefully give me another chance.

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