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Perchance last won the day on November 23 2024

Perchance had the most liked content!


About Perchance

  • Birthday July 19

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Apprentice (3/14)

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  1. For some reason my fists became an admin stick when I spawned in. I could see names, prop owners, steamIDs, and more. I could not however view character lists, or other things that required going into the dropdown menu. This was fixed when I died. I do not know how to replicate this glitch. https://imgur.com/a/yocYjjX https://imgur.com/ihVUzkL https://imgur.com/p8Ne45d
  2. Do you see the Trusted badge under my name? It means I am trusted by Upper Administration. I am overruling whoever told you that you don't have to bake the cake. Bake it, and your ban will be lifted.
  3. Prometheus is embowered by the people. We tell you what to do, not them. Bake the cake, and your ban will be lifted.
  4. Hi, Beach sent me the court report to get approval for your PK. The court report was neat, and orderly. Furthermore, you pleaded guilty to the charges. Therefore, I saw it fit to approve the PK.
  5. "If you offended by a document you are the one who needs help, not me" - LordVague after posting a eugenics document
  6. -1 I await your new server.
  7. +1 very good femboy sigma
  8. Perchance


    Hi, I am the staff member who banned you. You walked in, said Heil Hitler, and when I froze you to talk to you since you kept trying to run around, you start to hurl a slew of insults. I tried to explain to you that you couldn't but you decided to be an asshole so I banned you for a day. However, I see that you understand what you did was wrong. If UA think you deserve to be unbanned, then I have no opposition to it.

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