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Skipper last won the day on July 17

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About Skipper

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  1. +1 need more glorious dupes
  2. Here to confirm my recommendation and give a +1
  3. +1 get this man on the staff team rn
  4. I like the idea but the current government has banned all parties except the white rose so you would probably need to make a secret society until you can reveal yourselves without being arrested. Other than that +1 from me
  5. -1 not much community presence and little time on server
  6. +1 Great rper , bit weird and makes goblin noises but chill
  7. +1 Good person cares about helping people, Active as fuck . There's only one way to get staff experience and that's becoming staff.
  8. -1 im ur Chief and ive never heard of you
  9. Description of the idea: The idea is straightforward, Allow General Ranking Officers the ability to apply for trusted perms. Why should this be added?: I believe this should be added for a couple of reasons. Reason number one is Making it to General is no easy feat and it usually means NHC trust you enough with a powerful position, therefore allowing generals to whitelist people to their own faction is a big help. The Second reason is Allowing them to become trusted lifts some weight off of staff backs from taking 999 Promotion/Whitelist/playermodel changes off of them and allowing them to deal with rule breakers. What negatives could this have?: Of course granting these powers will have some negatives ; generals abusing these perms or being removed from general and still having these perms Additional information: N/A
  10. +1 Gives NSB something to do rather then harassing Military
  11. Steam Name: Skipper SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:76887844 Discord Username/ID: thtonebritishguy Timezone: GMT Age: 22 Time Played (check with !time): 6d 4h 49m had about 4 days before restart Your current rank(User/Donator/Trusted): User Do you have a mic & will you use it?: Yes Are you consistently active on the forums and server?: Yes Did anyone from the Recruitment Team assist you in making your application?: Coffee Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify): None Basic Information Section IC Character names, ranks, and brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format: Generalmajor Anton Rossi, Chief of the Feldjagers as chief of the Feldjagers I help organise the Feldjagers so they are doing their duties as Military Police officers I help ensure that my department is active and is actively doing their jobs in helping uplift the standard in the Military. I make sure that my department are actively recruiting players to join to help keep the department flowing and to provide that extra bit of manpower for the Military. How long have you been roleplaying?: 10 years on Gmod Have you received any infractions i.e Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time?: N/A Staff Knowledge Section What previous experience so you have as a staff member either within Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode? 4 years of staff experience 3 of those were as management of servers such as Head of staff and community manager for a server called Rogue networks which had a playerbase of around 60 members for 3 years until we shut down. Moderator for Revival servers Halo RP for 3 months Senior Admin on cloud gaming for 8 months other servers I'm having trouble remembering the names of I can account for almost 4 years of staff experience Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team?[300 words or more]: You should pick me to join your staff team because I'm experienced in a lot of areas of staffing, not just low level staffing but also management levels of staffing in gmod. I am also a mature person, being 22 years old and holding a job in real life. The main reason you should accept my application and allow me to join your staff team is that I'm open to criticism and like trying to improve myself in any way that I possibly can. I want to join the staff team to help the community out and help take tickets so that roleplay can continue with minimal interruption. I would be a good member of staff because I'm an active member of the community who will be helping take tickets during peak hours, and this, in my eyes, can only benefit the community. I believe that I have a lot of professional characteristics due to my experience in Gmod staffing and the job I do in real life, and once again, I feel that this can only benefit the community and also the staff team. In terms of the rules, I have read them and overall have a great understanding of them. I would be more than confident in enforcing the rules when needed, not just to punish players but to educate them and help them overall understand the rules, and provide explanation and context for each rule if needed. I want to help newer players understand the structure of the server and how it works and get them to at least try to roleplay within the server instead of just ban speed running every time they log onto the server. In summary, I believe that me being an addition to the staff team would only benefit the community and the staff team, and I will give this role my best effort and make sure to be a reliable member of staff. What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words? [150 Words or more]: My duties and responsibilities as a member of staff will be to ensure all members of Prometheus Networks are abiding by the rules and enforcing the rules on players when needed. Going further into detail, I will be responding to tickets made by the community and resolving all sorts of issues and rule breaks in the day to day procedures. As a staff member, I will need to be respectful and professional at all times, and I'm more than confident in my ability to do so due to my heavy amount of experience. I will be professional on duty on my staff character, and when I'm off my staff character roleplaying, I will set a good example on the server for other players to look up to. As I stated in the question above, I would need to be more than confident in enforcing the rules when needed, not just to punish players but to educate them and help them overall understand the rules, and provide explanation and context for each rule if needed. I want to help newer players understand the structure of the server and how it works.

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